17 seconds

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Finn just told Meredith, Addison, and Derek that he thinks Doc has bone cancer. Derek is rather agressive towards him. They might have to amputate Doc's limb. Derek wonders if that's worth it. He doesn't want Doc to suffer.

Addison's on the elevator with Meredith and Derek. She noticed the tension between them and wonders what's going on. They deny something happened between them, so they're all still friends.

Cristina's heard that Burke's going to pick up a heart at Mercy West. She'd like to come with, but he says he won't need help on this one. He was going with Delilah that was on his service.

The ER is so busy that patients are lying in the hallway. Izzie tells her others that an employee went postal and shot up a restaurant. George heard the shooter got away.

Richard tells Burke that there could be more victims on the way. Burke offers to stay and send Bailey for the heart instead, but Richard tells Burke he should go because he's the only cardiac transplant specialist. Alex follows Burke and Delilah  not listening to Cristina, who says it's not gonna happen.

As Burke and Delilah board the helicopter, Cristina and Alex arrive on the helipad. Alex asks Burke if he can go with him. Cristina says she asked first. She wouldn't be assigned to GWS cases if he had allowed her to come when she asked. Burke takes a moment and picks Karev to come as well as Delilah. Alex happily boards the helicopter as Cristina stands there disappointed. Alex asks who the patient is. Delilah says it's Denny. Cristina watches the helicopter take off.

Izzie approaches Bailey, who already knows that Izzie wants to prep Denny for his surgery. Bailey says no, because Izzie is too emotionally attached. Izzie says she knows the case inside and out. She promises to be 100% professional. Bailey allows her to go tell him about the heart, but one sign of her crossing the line and she's out.

Izzie walks into Denny's room and delivers the good news. He asks her to repeat that slowly, because he's gonna want to remember it. She does so. He guesses he's gonna have to take her on some real dates, then. Patricia walks into the room with the DNR he requested. He admits that if he doesn't get this heart, he's done. He's tired. She says she won't let him make this decision. Denny says he believes in heaven, and if he had to choose between this life and one in heaven, he chooses heaven. She says okay and he signs the papers.

At Mercy West, Burke's informed that there are two donors, brothers, who were in a car accident together. Burke explains to Alex that UNOS has already assigned them their donor. Delilah asks who's retrieving the other heart. "Took you long enough, Preston," another surgeon says. She wonders if Alex ND Delilah are there to help Burke carry his ego. Burke tells Alex that Dr. Hahn graduated second in their class at Johns Hopkins. He graduated first.

Burke, Delilah and Alex find that their donor went into V-fib. They try compressions and shocking him, but it's too late. The muscle is dead, so they can't use it. Burke rushes out and rushes into Erica's OR. He orders her not to move her scalpel.

Erica tells Burke he's not getting her donor heart just because his died. Burke asks if her patient is higher on the transplant list. He sends Alex to find that out. Erica says this is pathetic.

Erica says Burke's guy on an LVAD so he's still up and walking, while her guy still needs his dobutamine drip. They're on the phone with UNOS. They're informed that Hahn's patient is .22 points higher. Burke says that's basically a tie. Hahn's patient was admitted before Denny. Burke asks how long. Denny was admitted 17 seconds later. Hahn says it doesn't matter. Burke's phone rings. He hands it to Alex.

It's Izzie calling in to check in. Alex tells her about the situation. Izzie blurts out that Denny's getting worse by the second, claiming that his sats are in the seventies and dropping. Alex says he won't lie for her. She tells him to put Burke on the phone.

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