let it be

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“ In the eighth grade my English class had to read Romeo and Juliet. Then for extra credit, Mrs. Snyder made us act out all the parts. Sal Scafarillo was Romeo. As fate would have it, I was Juliet… all the other girls were jealous, but I had a slightly different take. I told Mrs. Snyder that Juliet was an idiot. For starters she falls for the one guy she knows she can’t have, then she blames fate for her own bad decision. Mrs. Snyder explained to me that when fate comes into play choice sometimes goes out the window, and that I would be lucky if I ever experienced that type of true love.  And that sometimes, despite all your best choices and all your best intentions... fate wins anyway. ”
— Meredith Grey

Delilah pov
I woke up to my door opening, but I feel Noah next to me, so I was a bit confused. Alex started talking,"Come on, Sunshine. I need your help." Alex moved further in the room and then saw someone in her bed and he quickly turned around. Noah woke up and saw Alex in the room. I spoke," Alex, please wait outside,I will help you in a second." Alex turned and waited outside the door. I grabbed some clothes and thrown some on. Noah looked confused. "I think I forgot to mention that I am going to help him study for a test he needs to take. But if you leave now or help him study, I will owe you." Noah turned over and looked at me. "Fine, I leave you two to study. But I will see you tonight at mine." I threw some clothes at him and poked him to get up. I give him a long kiss before shoving him out. He greeted Alex and said he was my boyfriend and I kicked him in his shins and said my foot slipped, he then left. Alex looked at me with a questioning glance. We sat on my bed with my flashcards. "Whatever I am going to say, you keep it quiet or I will break every bone in your body. I am dating a pediatric and cardio surgeon, he also skipped a few grades. His name is Noah Scott, he also works in Seattle Grace, we worked on a few cases together." I told him. Alex told me he was glad I was happy and if Noah broke my heart, we can kill him and he also told me about Izzie. We started with the notes and a few clinical examples.

In the hospital parking lot, Meredith finds a zit on her forehead as Addison parks nearby and gets out. Addison sees Meredith fretting over her zit, and Meredith notices Addison watching. Addison waves her fingers to Meredith and Meredith awkwardly smiles and waves back. In the hospital hallway, Izzie and Alex are discussing their kiss at Joe's bar. Alex ends the discussion by telling Izzie that he plans to do it again and again, with tongue. Izzie seems pleased. Meredith puts a Hello Kitty bandage on her forehead zit.

On a street corner, Cristina gets Burke some coffee. They are having a date that night, and both are looking forward to it. George is standing nearby with a bagel in his hand, looking at the couple, when a pigeon makes droppings on the bagel. He drops it, and just then, a man from the sky falls to the ground, right behind George.

The man, Stu, a window washer, fell five floors and fractured his legs but that was it. Meredith is with a very lovely elderly couple. The husband, Jed, explains that his wife, Esme, hasn't been able to keep anything down, so he brought her in. Meredith diagnoses acute cholecystitis, meaning her gallbladder will need to come out.

A man is at reception to see Derek. Derek sees Weiss, a friend from New York. At another part of the hospital, Addison hugs Sav. Weiss explains to Derek that Sav's mother died a month ago from ovarian cancer. Savvy then became infatuated with her breast and ovarian cancer gene, BRCA. Addison explains to Savvy that a positive test is not the end of the world, because it doesn't mean she has cancer, yet. However, Savvy has no intention of getting cancer, so she is here to have Addison take out her ovaries and uterus, and wants Addison to find someone who will cut off her breasts.

Savvy is in the room with Addison, Weiss, Delilah and Izzie. Savvy and Addison explain to Weiss that since she has the gene, there is 85% chance of getting the cancer. Weiss insists that she doesn't have the cancer now. Addison gives Izzie and Delilah instructions for the operation. Weiss and Derek object, but Addison overrides them, as Savvy is her patient.

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