what have i done to deserve this

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“ What I'm saying is...we reap what we sow. what comes around goes around. It's karma and, any way you slice it...karma sucks. Like I was saying payback's a bitch. One way or another our karma will leave us to face ourselves. We can look our karma in the eye or we can wait for it to sneak up on us from behind. One way or another, our karma will always find us. And even when we're about to do something we know will tempt karma to bite us in the ass...well, it goes without saying. We do it anyway. ”
— George O'Malley

George is sitting in his dark bedroom, recalling the previous night when he had sex with Meredith. Meredith's doing the same in her own bedroom. Her alarm goes off and she immediately turns it off.

Doc is looking to go out and barking. Derek is still asleep, so Addison decides to go walk Doc. She tells Derek they could talk, about anything, but Derek doesn't feel like it. Derek usually yells at Addison when he's mad, but he hasn't talked to her since Mark showed up yesterday. Addison swears she's ready to take yelling, but Derek covers his head with a pillow. Addison leaves the trailer with Doc.

George quietly enters his room, but he encounters Meredith in the hallway. Alex comes out of Izzie's room as he's putting on his pants and disappears into the bathroom. Izzie comes out into the hallway, greets her roommates, and notices the tension. She thinks it's about her sleeping with Alex and asks them to get over the fact that she's a horny whore. Meredith goes back into her bedroom. George pretends not to know what it's about.

In the locker room, the other interns notice how George and Meredith awkwardly try to avoid each other. Alex thinks George caught her doing Derek or Mark. Izzie asks them what's going on. Meredith says nothing, but the others don't buy it.

The interns enter Shawn's room. Shawn came in after he vomited after a minor head injury. Shawn's parents are really worried. Rick wouldn't call his son's injury minor. Michael clarifies Shawn got hit in the head by a baseball. Rick is really worried and says he shouldn't have allowed Shawn to play, but Michael is calmer. Derek says they're going to keep a close eye and Delilah suggests a CT.

Bailey is examining Addison's pelvis. She's sorry to say that Addison has poison oak where nobody wants to have poison oak.

Bailey returns to Addison. She assures Addison she didn't make up a chart, meaning they're stealing supplies. Bailey comments she's never seen a case of poison oak this bad. She wonders how it happened, but Addison wants the calamine first.

Alex asks Meredith what happened with George as they take Shawn to CT. He knows it's something she did because George looks pissed and she looks guilty. Shawn gets in the scanner as Meredith admits she did something really bad. Shawn shares a story of something bad he did once.

Derek informs Shawn's fathers that there's blood in the ventricle, but that often resolves itself. Rick is really worried. Derek says they'll monitor Shawn for the next 48 hours, but all the signs are good. Rick admits he's really scared. Shawn and Michael know.

An ambulance arrives with a patient who had a syncopal episode, and Izzie recognizes the man. It's Denny. She follows the gurney inside.

Richard finds Bailey grabbing things from a supply rack. He tells her to go home with her husband. She's on maternity leave. "Exactly," Bailey says before walking off.

Outside Denny's room, Burke asks Izzie if she's all right. She says it's just not fair. They treat jerks all the time and they get to live their lives. Denny is a good guy with a bad heart, and all they can do is wait. Burke knows. They're giving Denny the best cardiac care. Burke knows Izzie really likes Denny. She repeats Denny doesn't deserve this.

Derek enters Shawn's room. There's something wrong. Delilah suspects a clot given the acute hydrocephalus. Alex has the cranial access kit ready. Nurse Debbie wants to escort Shawn's father out of the room, but Rick refuses to leave his son. Derek urges the fathers not to panic and starts drilling into Shawn's skull.

Derek is through the skull and places a catheter. Meredith says Shawn's pupils are reactive. Derek wants neuro checks every hour. Derek tells Shawn's parents that they're in the clear for now. Shawn opens his eyes and says he had a headache. Alex gets paged 911 as Shawn notices Rick looks weird. Rick throws up, much to Debbie's dismay.

Alex and Delilah sit down with Meredith, who's hiding. Alex tells her to get over the fact that she slept with O'Malley. Meredith can't believe he told Alex, but George didn't. Alex just tried it and now she has confirmed it. Alex is not surprised, because it's Meredith's thing to get drunk and sleep with inappropriate men. Meredith says he sleeps with inappropriate women when he's sober. Alex says that happened once, and Izzie forgave him. Meredith says Izzie has not. She may be sleeping with him again, but she won't see him the same way as before he slept with Olivia. Delilah squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. Him sleeping with Olivia is just as unforgivable as her sleeping with George. George just passed by and heard what she said. He can't believe she told Alex. He was really wrong about Meredith. Alex , Delilah and Meredith chase after him, urging him to chill. Izzie and Cristina catch up with them and they wonder why baby boy is freaking out. George really doesn't want to talk to them, especially Meredith. George says he wanted to keep his mouth shut about what happened, and if she weren't so busy running away every time she saw him, she'd know that. They enter a stairwell. Meredith wants to talk now, but George says she only wants to talk now because she told everyone they had sex. Izzie and Cristina act surprised, and Meredith confirms to George they didn't know. George rolls his eyes and wants to continue his way down the stairs, but missteps and falls down them instead. Alex chuckles and Delilah punch him for laughing.

George is sitting in a trauma room. The other interns are watching him through the window. He wants them to go. He has a dislocated shoulder so he should be fine.

An ortho resident walks into the trauma room .e says his shoulder is dislocated, but he passes on painkillers because he's officially on duty and planning to stay. She says that's bold. He says he fell down some stairs. She asks if it happened at his girlfriend's. He says he's single as she pops the shoulder back in. She explains it hurts less if you don't see it coming. She puts his arm in a sling and smiles as he walks out.

Richard finds Derek about to enter the exam room where Addison is. He tells Derek to give Bailey privacy. Derek says Bailey paged him. Bailey comes over and confirms this. She takes Derek into the room and closes the door on Richard.

Bailey instructs Derek not to peek or move the curtain and just let Addison talk.  He promises Addison to stay where he is. Addison says he doesn't get to laugh or gloat, and then says she has poison oak. He moves the curtain and looks. She asks him if this means she's finally paid her debt to society. Derek starts laughing and she throws her pillow at him.

Outside the room, Bailey tells her son it's time to take his daddy home.

George is packing a suitcase in his room at Meredith's house.

As George picks his shirt off the floor, Meredith appears in the doorway. She saw his suitcase. He tells her he doesn't live here anymore. She wants to go back to the way everything was. He doesn't know how to do that, so they're done.

The ortho resident sees George sitting in the dark with his suitcase as she's leaving the hospital. She introduces herself as Callie Torres and asks if he's going on a trip. He replies sorta. She writes her number on his hand and asks him to give her a call when he gets back in town. As she walks off, George notices that Burke's looking at him.

Cristina and Burke are in bed. Burke says her friend needed help, but she's only willing to give him surgical help. He turns the lights off as he says she's a good person. She disagrees. They wish each other good night. George does the same from the couch in the living room.

Meredith and Derek are walking Doc in the park. They agree they're just friends.

Delilah pov
Me and Noah decided to be public with our relationship. Even though I think a lot of people know. Richard appreciated the honesty and wished us luck for our relationship. I was happy we were now public .

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