bring your pain

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Delilah pov
Me and the Mercy West gang had fun. We did karoake and drunk alot. We talked about the differences of our hospitals. I did not look at my phone that had several messages on it. I was too busy having fun with my new friends. Me and Charles were singing Don't stop believin.

Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train going anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train going anywhere
A singer in a smokey room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

We were laughing so much that night, I think all of us will have stomach pains tomorrow. We all except Reed spent the night in Jackson and Charles apartment. Me and April were passed out on Jackson's bed.
I woke up at 3. I left a note on the refrigerator, saying we should keep in touch and hangout again. I went to Mer's house and took a long shower. I went to my room and looked at my phone. I had several messages from Noah. I forgot to tell him about my checkup. Alex also asked where I was. I called Noah and he answered and I said," I am sorry I did not answer. I had a checkup at Mercy West. Then made some new friends and we went karoaking.  Is that even a word?" Noah was relieved," I thought something happened. Nobody knew where you were. But how was the checkup, are you okay?"
"Ahh, were you worried? I am healthy as a horse. I did not tell people. I do not want people to know. Well, Alex do know some of my medical stuff. I have to go now. See you when I see you."

Bailey assigns George , Alex and me to the pit. Izzie is assigned to a cardiac patient. She tells Cristina to keep an eye on the Lamott's.Then Bailey assigns her to work with Derek. Meredith looks at her and Bailey says, "Hey, life is short, times are hard, the road is long, with many a winding turn. He asked for you, take it up with him."

An E.R. Resident hands George a clipboard for the patient. The patient, Pete Willoughby, has a G.S.W. (gun shot wound) to the chest. He is in significant pain and losing a lot of blood. Pete says, "Damn, this hurts. They never tell you in movies how much it hurts to get shot." George and Alex both try to claim him as a patient. George says, "You always get the surgery. Today I'm getting the surgery." The E.R. Resident tells them to cut it out, he is a Seattle police officer and a group of officers are watching them through the blinds of the window. George gives them a thumbs up. I tell someone to page Dr. Burke.

Burke asks Bailey if she wants to scrub in on the G.S.W. case that Alex and George are currently taking care of. Bailey declines and says she wants to get out at a decent hour that night. Burke asks if she has a date. Bailey says, "Yes. Yes I do. A handsome man is whisking me away to a love nest for the weekend."

Me and Alex are pushing Pete as he is lying on a gurney, George will meet us at the O.R. Pete tells them he got shot and it is only his first month on the job. He froze as the shooter pulled a gun on him, he doesn't think he's going to live it down.I tried to reassure him that he will as I push the elevator button.

Me ,Alex and Pete are in the elevator. Alex asks me what is wrong with Izzie. I tell him that Izzie shaved her legs for him and he didn't even kiss her good night. Pete says Alex didn't follow through. Alex insists he always follows through. I snicker and say that he didn't last night. He adds, "Women have expectations and you didn't meet them. Everytime you guys don't meet their expectations I have to hear about it." There is a loud noise and a jolt. They are immersed in darkness. They look around as the emergency lights come on. Alex says, "Dude, we're not moving."
I sarcastically say, "Really? You think?"

Alex is trying to pry the elevator doors open as I read off the directions on the elevator panel. They should not become alarmed, to press the alarm button to call for assistance. I said, "If they don't want us to be alarmed, why do they call the button alarm?" I push the button several times. Alex is struggling with the door and says the button hasn't worked so why would it work now, he says they lost power and that they're just stuck. Pete moans and I said that his blood pressure is falling. I whispered to Alex that the need to get Pete to an operating room immediately. Pete tells them not to whisper. Alex tries to use the phone in the elevator. Pete says the situation is bad. I tried to assure him that they'll be able to get out.

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