Arrival in Atlas

547 11 55

Atlas, Atlas

February 5, 2020

After a day of travel, several aircraft consisting of four Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey helicopters, two Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopters, six Blackhawk helicopters, and eight AgustaWestland Apache helicopters flew towards the floating city of Atlas. Inside one of the Chinook helicopters, Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, Bulldog, Missionary, Ice Pick, and Steel sat inside with Steel, Cassandra, Bulldog, and Keaton all looking out the windows to see the city of Atlas.

"I think I've seen everything when see an entire city fly," Steel said

"Technically it's a floating city," Cassandra said.

"Either way it's such a beautiful sight," Keaton said.

"I can't exactly say the same for Mantle down below," Bulldog said.

They all looked down at Mantle down below, the once former capital of the once kingdom of Mantle now Atlas.

"It looks like the by product of the cities of Detroit and Cleveland after hate fucking each other," Steel said.

"It literally lives under Atlas's shadow," Alex said.

"It was once the Kingdom of Mantle, but after Remnant suffered their own version of a world war, the capital was moved to Atlas and the kingdom as a whole was renamed Atlas. And at some point in time, one of Ozpin's incarnations uses one of the four relics to lift Atlas City off the ground. Public stories for this was that it's being kept afloat by Gravity Dust," Keaton explained.

"I see downsides with having a floating city floating over another city," Missionary said.

"Yeah. What if this relic was used for something else? And what if the Gravity Dust can't keep the city of Atlas afloat when the relic is being used for something else?" Ice Pick asked.

"Kiss both Atlas and Mantle goodbye," Steel replied.

"Exactly," Missionary said. "What was Ozpin thinking when he came up with this idea? Was he high at the time?"

"Probably. He did spend his first few incarnations drinking after his messy, messy divorce with Salem," Cassandra said.

"Alright, everyone. Get yourselves ready. We're about to land," Keaton said.

The helicopters all soon flew down towards Atlas Academy and all made their landing on the landing platforms. As the soldiers and Marines stepped out of the aircrafts, they all saw a few platoons standing at attention in front of the academy. Two Atlas soldiers approach Keaton as he turns his attention to them.

"General Ironwood is waiting for you in his office. Please follow us," one of the soldiers said.

"Let's get a move on," Keaton said to his team and the four army men.

The two Atlas soldiers walked over to the entrance of the academy and entered inside as Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, Bulldog, Missionary, Ice Pick, and Steel followed behind them.


Headmaster's Office

A few minutes later, the group enters inside Ironwood's office where they see General Ironwood sitting behind his desk, and standing next to him is Penny Polendina. Standing out from the side were the Ace Operatives, Clover Ebi, Harriet Bree, Vine Zeki, Elm Ederne, and Marrow Amin. They all look over at the new visitors in the office.

"Salutations!" Penny happily greeted.

"I'm glad that you could come. And on behalf of this Academy and the Atlas military, we welcome you to the Kingdom of Atlas," Ironwood spoke.

"It's a pleasure," Keaton said before turning his attention to the Ace-Ops. "I take it that you're the Ace Operatives?"

"Yes. Clover Ebi. I'm their leader," Clover introduced as he went up to Keaton and shook his hand. "Captain Gordon, right?"

"Yes, sir," Keaton answered before facing the other operatives. "And you all must be Harriet Bree, Vine Zeki, Elm Ederne, and Marrow Amin."

"Correct Captain," Vine answered.

"Though Marrow here recently became an Ace-Op after another operative had been KIA," Harriet said.

"Yeah. The show said that he's a rookie," Alex said.

"Well some of us are all assets, zero liability," Marrow said as Elm scoffed, catching his attention. "Wha- Yeah? Think I've got some liabilities, Elm?"

"Your brains, for one," Elm answered, making Marrow cross his arms with a pout.

"You did ask," Vine said.

"So you two are Sergeants Alex Barker and Cassandra Rogers?" Clover asked the two marines.

"Yes, we are," Cassandra replied.

"It's nice to be here," Alex said.

"I see you've brought four more men with you," Ironwood said. "Who are they?"

"Staff Sergeant Levi 'Bulldog' Christian, Corporal Jose 'Missionary' Perez, Specialist James 'Ice Pick' Dunn, and Private Henry 'Steel' Simon. United States Army," Keaton introduced the American soldiers.

"Army? Marines? What's the difference?" Marrow asked.

"The Army provides the ground forces that protect the U.S., and the Marine Corps maintains amphibious and ground units for contingency and combat operations," Ice Pick explained.

"So you three do missions on both land and sea?" Penny asked the three marines.

"You got that right, Penny," Alex answered.

"So what are the plans for tomorrow?" Bulldog asked.

"Tomorrow we have a couple missions for both Atlas military and the U.S. military. You'll both take one mission and compare and analyze each other's tactics," Ironwood answered.

"Then followed after, you'll each show off your weaponry," Penny added.

"Once that's done, all of you will work together on other various missions in Atlas," Ironwood said.

"So overall see who's better, huh?" Steel asked.

"We'll show you why Atlas is the best military on Remnant," Harriet said.

"It's the only military on Remnant," Steel said.

"Plus there's a reason why the U.S. military is the number one military on Earth," Missionary added.

"What about the Happy Huntresses?" Cassandra asked.

"Yeah. Sooner or later they're gonna get involved," Alex said.

"I know. I am well aware. We'll tell them when we're all set," Ironwood answered. "Robyn Hill is gonna want to get her hands on me when we tell her about the stuff I did in Volume 7."

"She seems to be the type to attack without trying to talk things over first," Steel said.

"She kind of is," Clover said.

"When you do tell her, we'll make sure we're around so that she won't try to stick her arrows up your ass," Cassandra said to the Atlesian General.

"Just hope she'll trust and be willing to listen to you more than me," Ironwood said.

"She's shown to be reasonable," Alex said.

"Before we go, where are we gonna be sleeping?" Bulldog asked.

"Penny will show you to your barracks," Ironwood answered.

"Please follow me," Penny said.

She walks out the door as the three marines and four army men follow the aura producing android, leaving Ironwood and the Ace-Ops alone inside the office.

"Let's hope things go smoothly between Earth and Remnant when the time comes," the General said.

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