Aces and Wild Cards

375 10 39

Atlas Academy, Atlas

Headmaster's Office

A couple of hours had passed as Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, Bulldog, Steel, Ice Pick, and Missionary were all inside General Ironwood's office by themselves waiting for Lieutenant Colonel Olive Harper to arrive.

"She's supposed to show up anytime now," Cassandra said.

The doors open, catching everyone's attention. A young woman enters the office through the doors. She has short black hair, olive eyes, and has a light brown complexion skin. She wears a standard Atlas military uniform consisting of a white sleeveless coat that reached down to her knees and wrapped halfway around her right leg. Her coat has a blue collar top, matching accents, silver brooches on her shoulders, a black belt with a silver buckle around her waist, a red pin on the right side of her chest, and two red crescent shaped stripes on her right hip. On her forearms were a pair of silver arm guards with a vertical blue stripe and a pair of black arm warmers underneath. She also wears a pair of blue and black trousers and a pair of blue knee high boots. This is one of the Atlas military's top ranking officers, Lieutenant Colonel Olive Harper.

 This is one of the Atlas military's top ranking officers, Lieutenant Colonel Olive Harper

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Harper walked up to the seven Americans as they all stood in attention.

"I take it that you're the Lieutenant Colonel?" Keaton asked.

"Yes, Captain Gordon. You guys did the right thing by coming to see me at Bram Thornmane's recommendation," Harper answered.

"Lieutenant, would you happen to know anything about where that orb came from?" Cassandra asked.

"No, it all sounds very unusual to me. It's probably nothing worth losing sleep over," Harper answered.

"We found it just after we had finished fighting off an onslaught of Grimm alongside the Ace Operatives," Keaton said.

"Sounds like you guys made quite the scene," Harper said.

"Ain't that the truth," Steel said.

"If it is Atlas military tech, isn't it strange that it would be there without General Ironwood's knowledge in the first place?" Bulldog asked.

"Tell you what. If it'll ease your minds, I'll put some feelers out and research this for you. Just follow up with me later. By then, I'm certain I'll have found a lead," Harper replied.

"That would be great," Keaton said.

"It'll take a bit, but in the meantime, the Ace-Ops will soon be arriving to speak with you about your next mission," Harper said before pausing and looking out at the door hearing footsteps. "Ah... I do believe that's Clover I'm hearing out in the hall right now."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Keaton said as he gave a salute as Harper saluted back in response.

As the Americans started to leave, Alex looked behind him as he saw Harper pull out her Scroll and start going over it. Cassandra turns her head to Alex and notices him looking at Harper.

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