The Mysterious Orb

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Southwestern Solitas

February 17, 2020

A week had passed since the Schnee Manor infiltration. Four MH-6 Little Bird helicopters and three Mantas were flying over the snowy tundra. They soon found a place to land as the troops on board got off. Keaton, Cassandra, Alex, Bulldog, Ice Pick, Missionary, and Steel, and the Ace Operatives were among the troops. As the aircrafts took off, everyone then gathered around.

"Listen up! This is our first mission working together. General Ironwood has reported unusual Grimm activity within this area. Our mission is to investigate this activity and report our findings. Do not hesitate to kill any Grimm you encounter. Our aircrafts will provide us with air support. Let's go! Move out!" Clover explained.

"Oorah!" the Marines exclaimed.

"Hooah!" the American soldiers exclaimed in sync with the marines.

The two militaries began to make their way through the tundra in search for any unusual Grimm activity and the cause of it. Keaton approaches Clover as they walk alongside each other.

"Let's see how this day will go," Keaton said.

"Hopefully not too bad," Clover said. "By the way, I heard General Ironwood offered to have you and your team's aura to be unlocked, but you declined. Why is that?"

"Despite the advantages, we're more used to fighting without aura, and we honestly prefer to keep it that way. And also as the old saying goes; 'Power corrupts.' Many of us didn't want that," Keaton answered.

"Sounds risky for you guys to go in without aura. But I can see why you don't want your aura unlocked. You're afraid it might change you guys for the worse," Clover said.

"Pretty much. But we are aware of the risks. But that's what we do, we take risks," Keaton said.

Eventually, everyone traveled up to a summit. They all looked around for a moment until Steel noticed something on the ground. He went up to the object and picked it up from the ground. The object was spherical in shape. The top half of the orb has a couple of glass panels on it with an orange glow inside.

"Guys, I think I found something!" Steel called to the others.

Keaton and Clover ran up to the American soldier to take a look at the object he had just found.

"What the hell is this thing?" Keaton asked.

"I have no idea," Clover said.

Suddenly, the lights on the orb started to flash on as it then gave out an orange aura.

"What's it doing?" Steel asked.

Before anyone could answer, they all heard the sounds of growling, which put everyone on alert. The growls were being heard all around them as everyone looked around them. Coming out of the open was a small imp-like Grimm that has long pointed ears, large red eyes with a boney mask with fangs and red markings. It also has a large tuff of fur on its chest and the top of its heads. Most of its bones including its ribs, the claws on its hands and feet, and it's skeletal tail were all so freezing cold that it ended up turning light blue from the freezing weather. This Grimm are known as Swindlen.

 This Grimm are known as Swindlen

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