Orb Hunt Pt. 1

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City of Atlas

Atlas Academy

Headmaster's Office

Back at Atlas Academy, Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, Bulldog, Ice Pick, Missionary, and Steel were debriefing General Ironwood and Lieutenant Colonel Harper on the capturing of Hanlon Fifestone.

"I appreciate the debriefing on your Fifestone encounter. The information you provided was instrumental in healing those affected by his semblance," Ironwood said. "However, we'll need to shift our focus right now as... there's been an emergency."

"What's going on now?" Alex asked.

"It's a wide scale Grimm attack. Someone or something has unleashed a slew of Grimm throughout Solitas," Ironwood answered.

"Fifestone had a remote in his hands when he was taken in and and activated it," Ice Pick said.

"Then it's likely the remote Fifestone used triggered the release of numerous hidden orbs, in turn attracting those Grimm," Harper said.

"Then where are they?" Steel asked.

"The information's a bit hazy, although based on the reports of Grimm activity, we believe there are a total of four hidden orbs," Harper answered.

"Begin with Dormir Village. According to Ace-Ops intelligence, that area is the most overrun by Grimm," Ironwood said. "Once you've located the first orb in Dormir Village, destroy it. From there you'll need to locate the rest yourselves."

"You don't have any more specific info?" Keaton asked.

"Yeah, those orbs could be anywhere," Bulldog said.

"Unfortunately, not at this time. You'll need to look over your map and revisit locations you've traveled to previously. Perhaps by then, the scout sent out by Ace-Ops should have some updated information. You may wish to speak with them if you encounter them," Ironwood answered.

"Great. Looks like we're on a wild orb chase," Missionary said.

"I'll search for additional information on our end. Stay in communication," Harper said.

"Right," Keaton said. "Wish us luck."

The Americans then exited out of Ironwood's office to get themselves ready to head out to Dormir Village.


Dormir, Atlas

An hour had passed as five Blackhawk helicopters, three Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopters, and four AH-64 Apache helicopters were flying towards the ice fishing settlement of Dormir. The village was small, consisting of wooden homes. The village sat next to Solitas's giant lake

The soldiers and marines inside the helicopters all looked down at the village below to see Many Grimm approaching as the villagers were frantically setting up defenses. Sitting inside one of the Chinook helicopters was Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, Bulldog, Ice Pick, Missionary, and Steel, along with a few other soldiers. Keaton, Cassandra, and Bulldog were looking out the windows at the village below as the Grimm approached.

"We're going to need our Apaches to clear the area of Grimm before we land and search for the orb," Keaton said.

Cassandra pulled out her radio and spoke into it.

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