Playing with Emotions

338 10 12

Mantle, Atlas

An hour had passed as Bulldog, Ice Pick, Missionary, and Steel were out on the sidewalk, waiting for someone. They soon heard footsteps approaching and turned around to see Keaton, Alex, and Cassandra approaching them.

"You guys said that the cameras had spotted Fifestone?" Bulldog asked.

"Yes. His last known locations were in the East side of Mantle and the Eastern part of the Crater," Cassandra answered as she pulled out an iPad and tapped onto it. "Give me a few minutes and I may be able to triangulate the location of where Fifestone is hiding."

"The sooner we find Fifestone, the sooner we get our answers," Keaton said.

"What do you want with Fifestone?" a new voice cuts it.

Everyone turned around to who had spoken and came face to face with Robyn Hill and the other Happy Huntresses.

"Hey there, Ms. Hill," Keaton greeted. "What are you ladies up to today?"

"Faunus have been disappearing in Mantle, so we've been trying to look into the disappearances," Fiona answered

"So why are you guys after Hanlon Fifestone?" Robyn asked with narrowed eyes.

"We have reason to believe that Fifestone is trying to incite Grimm attacks," Alex answered.

"Incite Grimm attacks?! What are you talking about? Do you even know who Hanlon Fifestone is?" May asked.

"We did our research on him. Hanlon Fifestone was born in Mantle and made his way through the ranks of Atlas after enlisting as a soldier in the Atlas military. He wanted to fight for better rights for the people of Mantle," Missionary answered.

"Yes. And it was during that time that he saw the corruption, wealth and greed of the people of Atlas. He then deserted military duty to become one of Mantle's union leaders," Joanna added.

"This gained him a bad reputation with the people of Atlas as a result. And eventually, he became the most well-respected union leader in Mantle due to fighting for better rights for the citizens, including the Faunus," Fiona said.

"He is our friend. So what makes you think he would want to incite any Grimm attacks?" Robyn asked.

"Weeks ago we found an orb that can attract Grimm. We learned that it contains raw emotions, mainly fear, anger, and sadness. And Fifestone is the only one that can extract emotions with his semblance. We believe that he had stuffed those emotions into more of these orbs, which would then be used to attract Grimm," Ice Pick explained.

"Why would Hanlon do this?" Fiona asked.

"We believe that he may have changed his ideals on how to fight for better conditions for Mantle and decided to resort to terrorist acts to get what he wants," Keaton answered.

"Much like the White Fang had," Ice Pick added.

"Hey guys. I think I have managed to triangulate Fifestone's location," Cassandra said.

Everyone gathered around Cassandra as she tapped on her iPad and a red dot appeared on the Eastern point of the map of Mantle just next to the Crater.

"That's the Mantle Industrial Center," May said.

"Then that's where we're going," Keaton said.

"Hold on now! We're not gonna let you guys lay a hand on Fifestone until we see if your suspicions are confirmed! So we are coming with you!" Robyn said.

"That's fine. We were gonna be asking for some help anyway," Keaton said.

"Only if your suspicions are confirmed," Joanna replied.

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