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Testing Room

Winter, Cassandra, Alex, and the Ace Operatives continue to fight off the Techno Gigas in the testing room. Alex and Cassandra were shooting at the mech from a distance. The Techno Gigas aimed its cannon at the two marines and was about to open fire. Marrow quickly throws Fetch at the cannon, knocking it away as it fires a shot.

"How do we even destroy this thing?!" Marrow asked as he caught his boomerang when it flew back to him.

"The Geists! We need to take them out!" Clover answered.

"How do we get to them?" Alex asked. "Those domes are protecting them and our firearms can't even put a scratch on them!"

Winter dashes up to the Techno Gigas and leaps up towards one of the domes protecting the Mutant Geists. She gave a couple of slashes at the dome, but was unable to put a scratch on it. The Techno Gigas swung one of its buzzsaw arms at Winter, but the Specialist rolled away from the attack. However the mech accidently swung its buzzsaw arm into the dome protecting the Mutant Geist, shattering it and cutting into the Mutant Grimms mask killing it. The buzzsaw arms and the two legs below slumped down as the mech was tipping over as the other four legs struggled to keep its body balanced. Winter had watched what had just occurred and then had gotten an idea.

"It's arms! Get its arms to attack the domes!" Winter shouted.

Harriet dashes up in front of the Techno Gigas as ti clumsily tries to swing one of its claws at her. She ran away from the attack as the Techno Gigas stumbled for a moment before regaining its balance. Clover jumps up on top of the Mutant Grimm-possessed mech and hurls his line from his fishing pole as it wraps around the claw. He yanks the line back causing the claw to to slam right into a second dome protecting a second Mutant Grimm.

Elm then approaches and jumps up onto the second side of the mech and uses her semblance to attach herself to the mech's body. She grabs onto the mask of the Mutant Geist and forcefully pulls it out of the mech body as it flies out.

"Now we're cooking with gas!" Alex said.

As the Mutant Geist was about to fly back down and inside the mech, Marrow threw his boomerang at the Mutant Grimm cutting it in half and killing it. Marrow's weapon flies back at him as he catches it back in his hand. Everyone focuses their attention onto the Techno Gigas and slowly approaches it as it struggles to get back up.

"One more Geist!" Vine said.

As they all focused on the last Mutant Geist within the Techno Gigas's cannon side, it suddenly sank deeper within the mech and disappeared from sight. The Techno Gigas lied motionless as everyone stood around it in confusion.

"What's it doing now?" Elm asked.

Suddenly, the Techno Gigas jerked up off the ground and stood back up on all six of its legs as if it was fully functional when activated. Everyone looked up at the Techno Gigas and noticed the Mutant Geist's mask inside the dome on the very top of the mech. The Techno Gigas spun its torso around in a circle as it raised all six of its arms.

To make matters worse, a few more hatch doors opened and coming out of them were some Mutant Grimm.

"Oh, come on now!" Marrow shouted.


Control Room

Meanwhile back inside the control room Keaton and Steel were shooting at the Red Merlot Android from a distance, while Doctor Merlot continued to spectate the battles in his control room and testing room.

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