Raid on Arrowfell

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Fort Arrowfell

A couple hours had passed as the sun was beginning to set. Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, Bulldog, Ice Pick, Missionary, and Steel had just arrived at the entryway to Fort Arrowfell and approached the Ace-Ops.

"Were you guys able to collect all four Nexus keys?" Clover asked.

"Yep, We got 'em," Ice Pick answered.

"It seems we were right. Each member of Team BRIR was in fact designated with a portion of the access code to Fort Arrowfell's security matrix," Vine said.

"And the Keepers of Arrowfell entrusted us with the keys," Cassandra said.

"Then let's try them out," Marrow said.

"As opposed to the way Bram Thornmane breached his way in, I suppose you could say this is the legitimate method of entry into the compound. It may have been a long time since these were used, but now that we have all four, I should be able to open this door," Clover said.

Keaton, Bulldog, Cassandar, and Alex all reached into their pockets and pulled out the Nexus keys, and handed them all to Clover. The leader of the Ace-Ops then approached the panel next to the gate.

"Stand back!" Clover ordered.

He inserts the Nexus keys into the panel one at a time. As soon as the Nexus keys were inserted, the gate slowly slid open.

"Well, would you look at that," Missionary said.

"Everything from discovering the orb has led us to this," Keaton said.

"With the gate now open, there's not a minute to delay. Somewhere inside we should find Thornmane. It's time to bring him to justice," Clover said.

"Then let's get the bastard," Keaton said.

Everyone outside the gate all entered inside through it. They all walked down a short hallway and soon walked into a large facility made up of hallways and labs with bronze coloring known to have been used in the past when Mantle was still the capital of the Kingdom.

"Keep your eyes open. Who knows what kind of crazy weapons are in here," Keaton said.

Suddenly, a bullet shot past Keaton's head, catching everyone's attention. They all looked to see where the shot came from, and saw several rogue Atlesian soldiers and Atlesian Knight 200s up ahead. With them was the man with the prosthetic arm, the woman with the tommy gun, and the woman with the grabber.

"Contact!" Clover shouted.

The Americans and Ace-Ops all ran for cover behind some large crates as the Atlesian soldiers and AK-200s began to open fire. The Americans soldiers and marines quickly returned fire as a couple of AK-200s and an Atlesian soldier were gunned down, forcing the rest of the Atlesian soldiers and the three mercenaries to take cover behind some large equipment. Marrow steps out into the open and points at AK-200s.

"Stay!" he shouted as he used his semblance to freeze the drones and their shots to a stop.

The Atlas soldiers stepped out of their cover and tried to shoot at the dog Faunus, but Vine grabbed on to Marrow and pulled him away before he got hit. Upon this action, the AK-200s were broken out of Marrow's semblance and continued shooting at their enemies. Elm fires a couple rockets from Timber at a few of the drones, destroying them. An Atlesian soldier was about to shoot at the Ace-Op, but Steel fired a round into the soldier's head killing him. With her semblance, Harriet dashed out into the open and rushed towards some AK-200s and knocked each of them down with a punch as she passed.

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