Glass Cannon

349 13 43

Atlas Academy


Inside the hallway outside General Ironwood's office Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, Bulldog, Ice Pick, Missionary, and Steel all stood in front of the Ace-Ops over the events of the robbery that had happened an hour prior.

"After some investigation, our men had discovered that there's a weapons furnishing operation in the southern coast Dust mine. After a raid was performed, They had discovered Atlas high-tech weapons technology as well as your weapons technology," Harriet said.

"We believe that the Dust mine was used as a facility to both train and arm leagues of mercenaries," Clover added. "Mercenaries that now patrol the streets of Atlas, armed with cutting edge Atlesian military technology and American weaponry."

"And how the hell did they manage to get their hands on our weapons exactly?!" Keaton asked.

"We're... still looking into that," Marrow answered.

"Oh gee! That makes us feel so much better!" Cassandra sarcastically said.

"Your weapons we had found in the mines had all been confiscated and General Ironwood had ordered that they be given back to you guys," Vine said.

"They better, or there's gonna be hell to pay!" Alex said.

"By the way, have you found any intel on Team BRIR?" Missionary asked.

"Well, what I can tell you is there isn't any such registered team in the Atlesian Special Operatives Unit's dictionary. In fact, the name isn't found in any Huntsman's database at all. Which means, they may well be unlicensed mercenaries," Elm explained.

"That seems to check out what we've heard," Ice Pick said.

"Also Penny had also found another gate near the Tumak Ruins similar to the one near Crossed," Vine said.

"So what are behind these gates. It must be something important," Keaton said.

"Anyway back to the topic at hand, after analyzing the findings on the threats on the mercenaries armed with both our weapons, it has been clear that there is an unusual threat," Clover said.

"And by that you mean?" Alex asked.

"Well, we're entirely in the dark about the motives. The weapons and technology that the mercenaries are the only clue we had so far," Clover answered.

"We may not know why, but... who? Who could even get their hands on military hardware and carry out such an operation?" Steel wondered.

"Now that's a good question there, Private," Bulldog said.

"Jacques Schnee?" Ice Pick asked.

"We had checked the camera footage in the Schnee Manor, and we can confirm that he's not responsible for this event," Vine answered.

"Besides, we've actually stopped our search for the culprit. As luck would have it, a promising lead was found by none other than Lieutenant Harper," Clover said.

"Now we're cooking with gas. So who's the guy we need to shoot?" Keaton asked.

"Funny you should mention, I believe you're assigned to carry out the next course of action in our counter operation. However, it is now in the hands of the Lieutenant," Clover answered. "She should be in General Ironwood's office now, so I'd like to encourage you to go speak with her. In the meantime, the Ace-Ops will prepare for our next missions. Good work out there by the way!"

"Our work is not done yet, but thanks," Keaton said.

The Americans made the way to General Ironwood's office, while the Ace-Ops went off in the opposite direction to their new missions. The seven Americans stepped inside the office where they saw Lieutenant Harper standing next to the General's desk looking over her Scroll. She looks up to see the Marines and Army men approaching her.

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