Merlot Industries

267 11 37

Atlas Command Center

A couple hours have passed as Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, Bulldog, Ice Pick, Missionary, and Steel were sitting at a table looking over reports over the green Beowolf they had encountered.

"The Atlas military had sent an airship to pick up the Canadian's vehicles and brought them into a secret location in Atlas to stay out of the public eye," Alex said.

"General Ironwood could not stop looking at the armored vehicles the Canadians have, especially the tanks," Missionary said.

"Probably wanting to make plans to make Atlas's own vehicles like them," Ice Pick said.

"I'm sure that's the case. Now what can our scientists find on the samples we've brought back?" Keaton asked.

"From what our scientists can find so far, the green substance holds some of the same harmful effects similar to Radium-226, Cesium-137, and Strontium-90. Radioactive elements that are harmful to humans," Cassandra answered.

"Wait. Are you telling us that goo is radioactive?!" Bulldog asked.

"Should we all see some doctors and get ourselves checked out since we were around this shit?" Steel asked, looking worried.

"Upon further analysis, it's found that it is only harmful if you make direct contact with it. Aura can protect an individual, but it drains it up pretty fast the longer they stay in direct contact. So I'd still be careful regardless if I were you," Cassandra answered.

"Will have to take hazmat caution on the matter just to be safe," Keaton said. "Now did any of you find anything on the green Grimm or the substance we've recovered within the RWBY media?"

Before anyone could answer, the door opened as General Ironwood and Winter entered inside the room. The two approached the Americans.

"Winter has told me about that Beowolf you've encountered." Ironwood said.

"So you know what this is about?" Alex asked.

"I believe I do. There was an incident similar to this that Professor Ozpin had told me," Ironwood answered.

"What happened?" Bulldog asked.

"A month before Teams RWBY and JNPR disappeared to Earth, the two teams were sent out to kill some Grimm, but would end up discovering an some of the Grimm getting captured and this would soon be discovered that defunct corporation, Merlot Industries was behind this," Ironwood explained.

"Merlot Industries? What's that?" Missionary asked.

"It was a research and development company that led research into artificial intelligence and genetics," Winter answered.

"We have looked into the RWBY media that was recorded and its founder, known as Doctor Merlot," Alex said.

"And from what we also had found was that he and his corporation was also partially responsible for the destruction of Mountain Glenn," Cassandra added.

"Correct. Merlot was beginning to experiment on live Grimm at the time, and would later go as far as attracting Grimm to Mountain Glenn in order to acquire additional specimens, with disastrous results. The corporation lost its primary facility as well as many of its chief staff officers in the fall of Mountain Glenn. Merlot Industries was unable to recover from this catastrophe which then shut down shortly after," Ironwood explained.

"So what is the goo's involvement in all this?" Keaton asked.

"The serum that you brought back with you was discovered by Team RWBY and Team JNPR was used by Merlot to mutate the Grimm he had been capturing, and it was being harvested from the ground up back on his island," Ironwood said.

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