The End ~ Part 2

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I'm hoping to get a part up every day. There's probably going to be around 4 parts so stay tuned!

Kristine's POV

I may be six, almost seven, but that doesn't mean I don't understand things.

Mom and Dad don't think I should know what is happening to Angeline. But she's my sister! Why shouldn't I know?

The only thing I understand is that Angeline was captured, and some girl is helping her.

But I fear that she won't be back by our birthday.

We'll be turning seven. We had both been so excited for our birthday party. Seven was the family's lucky number. But maybe it wasn't so lucky this time.

Angeline could never come home.

Olivia's POV

Few people volunteered to help. That upset me. The husband of the woman Hans burnt volunteered immediately.

A farmer and his wife volunteered. Their son who was about my age volunteered as well.

A carpenter volunteered with his daughter who looked to be in her twenties.

And the last person to volunteer was a fifteen year old girl. She was very petite and short, and she reminded me of a little mouse.

My plan wasn't really a plan, just a risk I was going to take.

"Okay... Um, Rickie," I looked towards the carpenter and his wife, "you and Lisa at least try and get both Queens to head to Malo. The rest of us will cause a distraction."

I looked up and saw Angeline peeking through the biggest crack in the wood. I gave a weak smile, hoping I could stop Hans.

I knew everyone felt odd taking orders from an almost eleven-year old. But I knew what I was doing. I wasn't dumb.

I was raised well.

Then it struck me. No matter how evil Hans was, he was still my Dad. I loved him and he loved me. That was the weakness I would use to stop him.

But I would never stop loving him. He helped educate me, he helped feed me as a child. He helped me learn how to take care of myself.

He helped me live.

"I'll take care of this for now."

Yeah, I know this is a short chapter. But, as I said earlier, I'm hoping to get a part up every day.

If you have any suggestion for the sequel, send me a message! I'll definitely take your advice!

Also, I need name suggestions for the sequel. If you give me suggestions, please give me both a boy and a girl name.

More info for the sequel will come out later.

Thanks for staying this far! It means the world to me that people support me that much!


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