The End ~ Part 3

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Olivia's POV

One person I needed to find was Mom. Even though Mom loved Dad, I knew she would never support Dad's plans.

I sent the people who volunteered to find their loved ones; Brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, anyone they loved.

And they did.

I told them that no fighting would be involved. None of any concern.

Just to show Dad the love families have.

I called out Mom's name. Desperately calling.

Then I got a weak response.

"Olivia, honey?" Mom croaked from behind a tree.

I reached Mom, nearly choking as I saw her. Fragile, skinny.

I delicately leaned down to Mom. Her age and health were catching up to her life.

She didn't have long to live.

She was terribly skinny, her hair aging grey. I knew she was about a year older than Dad. But her health shortened her life.

It'd been so long since I've seen her. And now she was dying.

"Dad has gotten worse. But..." I told her, "I'm trying to stop him. I need your help too."

"But," Mom coughed, "How will I able to move."

"We'll find a way."


I eventually got Mom to Malo. I was shocked to find Angeline sitting in the middle of the village with Dad spitting words out at her.

"You will tell me," Dad hissed.

"Hans..." Mom whispered, "This wasn't the man I met."

Hans looked our way, his eyes now focused on something different. He was focused on his wife.

"Malaya... Oh..." Dad said, stepping towards Mom.

"I'm dying," Mom choked out, "I don't have much longer to live."

"Don't worry... Things will be okay."

Mom smiled weakly, "Don't hurt the child. She has a future to live. You kill her, and I die by her side.

"Our children are nearly the girl's age. It would be like harming your own child.

"Hans," Mom took Dad's hands, "I fell in love with you for the good I found inside. I know you can embrace it inside you."

Dad was lost in thought for a moment, "Malaya, you must be right."

So one more part! I've got a plan for Olivia.

Peace out!

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