Chapter 8 ~ Merry Christmas!

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Anna's POV

After everyone leaves, I see Elsa turning to me.

"So, another one, huh?"

"Yep! We're hoping for a boy now," I chuckle, "Never knew two girls were on our way. We're ready for a Prince."

"How many weeks along now?"

"Only 12."

"More after this?" she chuckles.

"We hope so!"

"So, Angeline and Kristine love Sven and Olaf. Maybe, let them play with them more often?"

"Sure! Take some some time off my hands, won't it. Those two are trouble makers. Well, Angeline is."

"She's her mother all the way," she giggles.

"Well, they have Kristoff's hair. Kristine just likes to wear her hair like mine. Angeline likes her hair with a braid on the side of her's."

"We're glad they get along real well, just like you two," Kristoff says walking up, "We all know some sisters don't get along real well."

"Just like Hans and his three brothers," I mutter.

"Oh, please don't mention that scoundrel," Elsa murmurs.

"It was four years ago. Let's just hope things stay as it was the past years," Kristoff breaths.

"Mommy, Daddy! We're tired," Kristine cries, shuffling across the ballroom.

I look over at the clock and answer, "About half an hour until bedtime. Come on let's get ready for bed."

Angeline and Kristine follow behind Kristoff and I as we walk up the stairway. We change the girls and tuck them into bed. We give them goodnight kisses, and hug them. I turn off the candlelit lamps in there room and follow Kristoff out.

"So," I sigh, "Tomorrow is Christmas. A time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. I was thinking, go out for a midnight run and get them some presents for Christmas. Elsa told the servants to set up the tree. We haven't seen Sven and Olaf in a few weeks, and that's really surprising. So, what do you say?"

"You sure about it? I mean, you have another little one coming on the way. I don't want you getting real tired."

"We can't let the girls wake up without some gifts. I was figuring, maybe something to let them know, it's not just a day to be with family, it's a day of Jesus Christ."

"Fine. Let's go," he sighs. I climb up on the banister and slide down, Kristoff follows close behind, and when I almost fall because of my small baby bump throwing me forward, he grabs my waist to keep me from stumbling to the floor. I smile up at him and go outside to the stables.

We hear an excited noise and Sven comes jumping out. Kristoff grabs a carrot and Sven takes a bite. And of course, Kristoff takes a bite also. I give a small gag.

I rub Sven and he gives a loud sigh. I giggle and after, we give Sven some more food, Kristoff and I walk into the town. I lean up against Kristoff and we look over at stores. I finally find a store that sells ceramic items. I pull Kristoff in and we see a lot of valuable things. One lady comes up to us and bows.

"Your majesties! What may I help you with?"

"We were wondering, do you have anything Christmas related?"

"Do I?" she scoffs, "It's at the front left corner of the building."

"Thank you."

We walk over there and look around. We finally find the perfect one. A manger with hay in it, and a little baby laying in it. The three wiseman stand around the baby with Joseph and Mary sitting by the manger.

I feel tears come into my eyes and I breath, "This is the one. It's perfect."

We buy it for 10 coins and I put it in a small bag. We finally make it back to the castle, and my eyes are almost slits. We put the present in a drawer and we quickly change. I sit on the velvet love seat by the window. Kristoff walks up and sits by me. We watch the people go on a late night trip.

I lean back into Kristoff's arms, and his warmth overwhelms me. "I heard the royal doctor learned a way to tell the gender. When I reach twenty-two weeks, they'll check me."

"Are we hoping for a Prince?" he asks.

"Why not?" I answer. I turn around, facing him. I lace my fingers with his and lean forward into his chest.

"Good. I don't want a family of girls. I need myself a boy!" he chuckles. I lean up and touch my lips to his. He wraps his hands around me and I put my hands around his neck. The kiss gets a small bit more passionate and I smile through it. We pull apart and I smile brighter. We climb into bed and I snuggle into Kristoff's chest. He wraps his arm around me and I fall asleep, my hand twined in his.


Kristoff and I kiss for a quick second and I smile, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too."

We quickly wrap the Christmas present for the girls and go to put it under the tree. There are lots of presents from the close citizens of the town. Elsa walks in with Angeline and. Kristine following close behind in their nightgowns.

"Oh, Elsa. You didn't have to wake them up! We could've gone and woken them," I say.

"No, it's fine. I had some time off my hands. So does the town know your expecting again?"

"Nope. That was going to be our present to the town. Their always so happy to find out that theirs going to be another step of royalty into Arendelle," Kristoff answers.

"Well, let's hope I'm not going to be like the Southern Isles and have thirteen children," I chuckle.

One of the maids come in and lights the fireplace and leaves us to be. The girls sit on the floor and Elsa sits by them. Kristoff passes out the presents but leaves Elsa's and our presents to girls near the back of the tree. Each of us take turns opening our gifts, and Kristine and Angeline go first.

"Ooh! Percy and Deb got me a pink silk dress!" exclaims Angeline.

"I got a purple one!" Kristine squeaks.

Everyone then turns to me and I grab a medium sized present and open it. In it is a short white loose dress with turqouise designs.


After everyone opens their presents, Kristoff nods at me and I take a deep breath. We walk out onto the balcony overlooking the town. Everyone knows once they see us up here, an announcement is coming. A crowd gathers below. The balcony is only about 15 feet above the ground, so I can make out everyone below.

I take another deep breath and announce, "Merry Christmas! We hope God has blessed you all this morning. But I'd like to announce something for this Christmas," another deep breath, "I am pregnant again."

Excited gasps ring around the castle and most people cheer. I smile wide and wave to the town, and walk back inside. The rest of the day, we all relax by the fire, and Kristine and Angeline play with their toys. Elsa, Kristoff and I talk, and I may or may not have dozed off once or twice...


A/N: it may not be Christmas BUUUUUUUUUUT I need to just add a bit pozazz in there. Is that how you spell it? Pozazz? Pazow? :3

Anyways, I hope God blesses your day and may you all enjoy the smile your gifted with! :)

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