The End ~ Part 4

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Olivia's POV

It ended up good. Dad became a good person. But I had one last thing for Dad to do.

Two guards were at our sides. Dad was hugging his arms. He was terribly upset. Mom had died about a week ago (ABOUT A WEEK AGO!).

Angeline stood by my side, clutching my arm. It was remarkable to me. She had lived in this place for nearly six years, and after two months, she was already terrified of the palace and the guards.

Then a woman's voice shook the room, "Angeline! Oh, my baby!"

Queen Anna came running towards us, by even noticing her life-long enemy.

They stayed there on the floor for a while, until she looked up and saw me. She raised herself, looking me in the eye.

"You. Are," I gulped as she spoke, "Amazing." She pulled me into a tight hug. Awkwardly, I hugged her back.

And then she saw Hans. A scowl formed on her face, "Why have you come back?" She hissed.

"To ask you of a favor. I expect you to put me in confinement for a while, correct?"

"I don't see a reason not to," Anna responded, her tone flat.

"Take care of Olivia."

I looked up at them, my vision spinning with shock.

"She kept your daughter safe for that long time. Her mother is dead, and her father will be kept away."

Anna thought over this, then turned towards me, a warm smile spreading, "I would love to. I've already lost one child," she put a hand on her stomach, "but I'd love to have another."

I gasped, my head filling with opinions and thoughts before I drew it down to one emotion.


~A couple months later.~

Anna's POV

I stared at myself in the mirror. My face was chubbier and my ankles were swollen. The pains in my stomach had intensified. Olivia had accustomed to the palace well.

But here I was, going into labor. I was about to birth a dead child.


Who knew this would've happened? I myself was shocked.

As I was pushing, I expected there to be silence. But I was extremely shocked to hear crying. A child crying.

Tonight, a little baby boy was born. He was named Anson.



Well, guys! We finished the story!

Don't worry, a few of my own tears slipped while writing.

But, I definitely used one of the names that one of you suggested!

Keep suggesting names! I'll consider using them.

The reason why I posted two chapters in one day is because I wanted to make up for the days I missed. Here in a couple minutes after this chapter is posted, I'll have the Sequel Info posted.

Thanks for sticking with me through this entire story!



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