Chapter 17 - ...comes great responsibility

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Responsibility is a great thing. No matter how hard the work is. Life takes up a major responsibility. Rich or poor, you have responsibility. You have children, you have food, you have shelter. But most of all, you have hope. You have love. You have faith.

You have family.

Olivia's POV

My life changed after those two days. Death and hatred stood in the way, but love and loyalty shoved it out of the way. The sun shines brightly now, with a brand new castle that hundreds of people built. But my story continues here...

Dad jumped into the cave throwing the bread and fruit into the cave. Well, there's some crumbly bread and bruised fruit. Angeline fell back asleep a few minutes after I gave her some food. She's very lovable, and I plan on getting her back to her family. My family isn't one you want.

Dad left soon after, and it went over by Angeline, wrapping her safely in my arms. I watched as the sun fell outside. Mom and Dad were finding a new shelter, since we were no longer safe here. All of Arendelle were looking for the sneaky crook, Hans, and their devious family. To be honest, I would rather have been caught at this point. The guilt of having to know that we captured this poor girl has overpowered.

I felt Angeline rouse below me, "Hey, don't worry. I'm going to return you here soon. Stay here, okay?" I reassure, "I'm going to go to your parents.

Anna's POV

I've been staying in our bedroom so far, watching out the window of any sign of Angeline. I've been in pain, not from my unborn baby, but from Angeline, missing.

I feel the arms of Kristine, and I smile, knowing at at least I have this girl safe, and I'll keep her safe. I don't want to lose another. "Mommy, will Angeline be okay?"

"Of course. Your sister is a tough little cookie. She'll find her way back to us, don't be afraid."

"She's going to have a lot of makeup work at school," she says, and I laugh at her comment.

"She sure will..." I frown again. What if she never comes back? What if I never see her again...?


I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY! I'm an insanely horrible person! I guess you could think of this as me building up my writing skills?

Anyways, thank you so much wantingtranquility for making me two AMAZING story covers! I will definitely use them!

And a little bit of future story telling time;
Something will happen along with Anna's unborn baby. -eyebrow wiggle-

Don't forget to go follow wantingtranquility for the two story covers. They are beautiful!

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