Chaoter 2 ~ The Engagement

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Kristoff's POV

I surprise Anna when I knock on her door. "Kristoff? What are you doing back so early?"

"Ice gathering went quickly. The early spring snow didn't travel too far. Anyways, since I'm back, meet me at the castle gardens at 8:00?"

"Of course!" She exclaims. I kiss her forehead and head back to my room to get ready. I keep looking at the clock.

Clock, 7:38. Shirt. 7:40. Coat. 7:41. Pants. 7:43. Boots.

I grab the ring and rub my thumb over the diamonds. If she doesn't accept it, what will I do with my life. Oh, snap out of it, Kristoff! I look in my drawer to find one of the freshly wrapped chocolates I keep in there, for Anna of course. And this is just the occasion. I grab one of them and put it in the box with the ring.

I look over at the clock, 7:49. I step out of my room and hear Olaf and Anna laughing in Anna's room. I make my way to the garden and find one of the tables always sitting in the garden. I pick one of the roses and examine it while I wait for Anna. I set it down by the bush and wait a few minutes silently.

Finally, Anna comes in at around 7:58. I didn't think of anything romantic, she isn't that type of person. We just chat, and I make up stuff as she asks me how ice gathering went. When I look at the Sky, the moon shines fully. The time has come.

I keep the box sitting in my lap but I speak, "Anna. I love you completely for the year we've been together. I want to take it another step," I pull out the box and open it, "Anna, will you marry me?"

Anna's POV

"Anna, will you marry me?" Oh my gosh!

"Yes, Kristoff! Of course, yes!" He hands me something and when I take a closer look, I realize it's chocolate. He takes my hand and puts the ring on it.

"Oh, Kristoff! It's beautiful." We both stand up and look at the flowers. When the moon is at it's peak, Kristoff and I head back inside. I pull him into his room. I quickly go to my room and change into my nightgown.

I run back into his room and he's in his night clothes. He pulls me in and we kiss, a long and soothing one. We pull apart and I stare into his brown eyes. We lay down in his bed, and I curl up by him.


I watch little kids playing. I notice how they look similar to Kristoff and I. Suddenly, I realize this is our family. To the left of my vision, Kristoff walks out and plays with them. They all squeal in delight. My vision fades to black and-


Once again I'm curled by Kristoff, and he has an arm around me, keeping me comfortable. I kiss his cheek and he wakes up slowly. We each get up and we walk to the barrier. Elsa meets us on the way, "Congratulations."

"Thanks, Elsa! Oh, I'm so happy! I think we should have the wedding soon!" I exclaim.

"I'll help. Just tell me the what to do and how you want it, and I'll help," Elsa offers.

We eat a morning meal and Kristoff and I head into town. I stop by a dress store. And Kristoff heads to a suit store. I look through the dresses, looking for a perfect one.

"Ah, Princess," sounds a voice behind me. I turn around and find a woman bowing.

"No need to bow. I mean, you don't have to. I don't like bows. I mean, uh, you know..."

"Of course. So why have you come here?"

"I was engaged last night."

"Congratulations, Princess. Looking for a dress?"

"Yes, please."

"I know just the thing," she says, scurrying off. I follow after her and she pulls out a dress. She softly pushes me into a room with a mirror. I change into the dress and come out.

"Oh my... You look stunning!" says the woman. I step back in and look in the mirror. This is the one I was looking for.


A/N So, Anna and Kristoff are engaged. They plan their wedding to be very soon! For chapter 3, 10 votes!

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