Chapter 15 ~ The time has come...

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Olivia's POV

I stare at the chains wrapped around my wrists. If only Dad would've come and not me. I glance at the window running along the wall, the only sign of light besides the small glass in the door. I glance at that one and see Queen Anna looking at me. I slide onto the floor and slap my palms onto my forehead. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I sigh.

They barely even give me food. At least it's better than my real life. They actually give prisoners a full meal. And if the guards were having a good day, they might even give us extra food. Queen Anna walks off, and I rest my head on my clenched fist. A few hours later, Queen Elsa comes to the door and walks in.

"Tell me, why were you in the castle?" she hisses, yet soothingly somehow.

"My father made me..."

"Important question, who are your parents?"

"Malaya Baxton and 'Prince' Hans," I grumble.

"I knew it. Where is your father right now?"

I turn my head away, "I-I can't tell..."

She raises her voice, "Where is he?"

Without control, I start raising my voice too, "I can't tell! I wouldn't betray my father to death!" I realize how loud I became and sigh. Lowering my voice, I warn her, "But I will tell you this. Watch the princesses and prince. Dark and gloom is coming."

Queen Elsa backs up. She mutters something under her breath and calls a guard. "Let her go."

They unchain me and I immediately run straight outside. The summer sun beats onto me and I run, running until my lungs pain. Tracing my trembling fingers through my hair, I realize something.

Dad. He's getting one of them now. Forcing my aching legs to run, and my shaking hands to pulls myself up the rocks. Only Mom and Kinston remain in the cave. "Did he go?" my voice croaks from lack of breath.

"Yes. But he made an entirely different plan." Mom replies, proudness beaming from her face. I peer back outside only to see nothing. "I need to rest, then I'll go find Dad." I was going to add, 'to help', only to realize it was all a lie. I didn't want this. I wanted peace. I'd rather starve than have Dad do this. But my mind realizes another thought. I may not be able to stop it now, but when the time comes for me to take action, I will.



I'm so sorry this seriously took a month or two to get up, I feel absolutely horrible! School just ended and you know that, end of school testing! DX but now that my Summer has officially begun, more updates will be coming.

Alright, you know when I talked about creating a minecraft server when I get a new computer, I think I found the absolute PERFECT one for it. It has lots of space and I might get my Mom to buy me a microphone so I could possibly make videos for YouTube. But you know mothers ._.

Also, I want to thank you guys SO MUCH for 18k views. I'm just, amazed! I only expected my story to make at the maximum, 100 views. But you guys are absolutely amazing! I love going through each of my chapters, reading the comments for each chapter. I never realized my story made it to one of the tops of Frozen stories. Thanks so much!

Love you guys!


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