Chapter 4 ~ Growth

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OK WOW! You guys! My eyes are watering! 20 views and 5 votes within 20-25 minutes? I'm so happy! I didn't get two comments yet, but still! I'm making the new chapter!


~~~~5 Weeks Later~~~~

Anna's POV

My stomach has grown a bit. And I've been feeling the processing baby squirming inside of me. I've been feeling tiny pains, but I'm aware of future pains. I've felt a bit nauseous so far, and Kristoff has dearly helped me. Back to reality!

I sit back in the chair, keeping a hand on my barely grown stomach. Yes, I'm tired, but I heard of what's going to happen later in the following weeks. Kristoff walks in and kneels next to me.

"Tired, huh?"

"Yeah. It is starting to get late."

"Well, then let's get some rest," he says, helping me up. We tuck into bed and the exhaustion hits me, slowly making me go to sleep.

~~~~ At 21 Weeks In Pregnancy ~~~~

"Man, this one is going to be like its father," I joked, putting a hand onto my stomach.

Next to me Kristoff chuckled, "Then I'll have to teach him Ice Gathering!"

A small pain stings in my stomach and a small groan escapes my mouth. Kristoff stops and asks, "Contraction?" I nod and he puts his hand on top of mine on my stomach. A soothing warmth spreads me and I lay my head on his shoulder. He speaks again, "Elsa told me that tomorrow is our coronation. So we better get ready." I nod and we go get ready.


A/N sorry that's it short, battery is low and I don't have my charger so, I'll give it easy on you guys, 25 votes, and 4 comments.

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