Chapter 3 ~ Wedding

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Krsitoff's POV

I walk into a store to look for clothes for the wedding. I find one and try it on. If I say so myself, not bad. I keep looking through, and none of them really resembled me like the one I had found. I bought it and waited for Anna to come out of her store.

She finally came out and we headed back to the castle. I put my clothes in my dresser. I imagine the wedding. Would my family come, or... would it be a bit too wild? Oh well. I hope, once Anna and I get married, she will agree to have children.

Anna comes into my room. She climbs into my bed and I follow in after her.

"Kristoff, have you every thought about... children?"

"Yes. Right before now. What do you think?"

"I-I think I want to. Maybe a few..."

"Well, that's for the future. Let's get some rest. Tomorrow we better set up the wedding."

~~~~ WEEKS LATER ~~~~

Anna's POV

I breath in and out loudly as Elsa puts the veil over my ginger hair.

"Elsa, I'm so nervous!"

"Don't be. It'll make things worse," she replies. She fixes up my braided pigtails to where they drape over my chest. I sit down on the velvet chair from the castle as she fixes my white flats onto me.

This is it. Today is the day I become Mrs. Anna Grenville. The day I tell Kristoff the thing I just found out myself.

"Do you think he'll be excited I'm pregnant? I hope he'll be glad he'll be a father," I ask Elsa.

"Of course he will. Nothing is like the joy of children. Dad told me that before he and Mom... died."

"I hope so... Well, it's time," I breath as I stand up. We hear Kristoff walk down the hallway into the ballroom. All of Arendelle is coming to the wedding. A few people from places. Elsa and I decided to let a few people from the Southern Isles and Weselton to come, none royal, like the Duke or Hans.

Elsa helps me into the hallway and we wait until the music starts. The guards from inside open the doors, and I've never felt so nervous before. Especially since I'm 2 weeks pregnant, it really doesn't help. But I know there are much worse things to come in my time.

I start walking, with Elsa beside me. We make it to the middle and I take my place in front of Kristoff. I give a weak, nervous smile at him and look to the preacher. He tells some stuff for us to repeat, and every word I mean. And finally, he comes to the part.

"Kristoff, do you take Anna to be your forever truthful wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Anna, do you take Kristoff to be your truthfully wedded husband?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then, I pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Grenville." Kristoff and I lean in, and our lips touch. It felt sweet and comforting and we pull apart. The audience applauses and I never felt so happy in my life. The whole night, we celebrate our new life together and when we're all tired, everyone heads home and I half drag, half lead Kristoff to our room. Well, his old room.

"Kristoff, I have exciting news!"

"Well, what is it," he asks with a slight chuckle.

I grab his hand and put it on my stomach, "We're going to be parents!"

"Seriously? Oh that's wonderful!" He spins me around in his strong grip and pulls me in and we kiss. This is so great!

We change into our night clothes and tuck into bed, Kristoff pulling me close in a warm huddle. I quickly fall asleep, and nice dreams fill my head, and I sleep peacefully.


A/N: So, Kristoff and Anna are married, Anna is preggers, what else could go wrong? So 15 votes for Chapter 4? Or, let's add a twist!

15 votes and 2 comments. Fair enough! So, keep it on!

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~DusneyFrozenFanfics/Alaina <3

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