Chaoter 14 ~ Olivia, and Rapunzel

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Olivia's POV

(In Dream)

"I'm coming!" I scream. The cries full of pain echo through the forest. My brown hair slings all over my face. Thunder crackles above, and rain pours down onto the dirt and grass. I trip over a twig and my side splats into the mud. Another cry splits through the air. "Please! Just hold on in there!

Pushing myself up, I continue to run. My grey dress is stained with brown from the mud and is soggy from the rain. Scarlet liquid stains the mud before and I gasp. In front of me, Dad with hatred in his eyes stares down onto a small child.


"Olivia! Wake up," Mom shakes me.

"Ugh," I groan.

"You and your father need to get food," she orders.

"I did it last time!"

"You and your father are stronger than me, and more healthy. I need to take care of Kinston (her little brother)."

"Fine," I push myself up and crawl out where Dad waits. I jump down into the soft grass and Dad follows along. I smell the scent of fresh bread. "Dad," I point to a house nearby. They set a fresh loaf of bread on the windowsill. I lick my lips and creep up to the window. Peeking in, I see the woman inside putting up the ingredients and taking out her cleaning supplies. I reach up and grab the loaf. I sneak around the corner of the house, hidden away from the window.

I stuff the loaf in my pocket and continue walking by the houses. By midday we only have the loaf and 10 coins. Dad and I sprint back to Mom and Kinston and climb up to the hollowed cave. I crawl in and Dad follows. I set the coins in the back and Mom cuts the loaf in four pieces. Once we finish eating, we all just spread out and relax. My head pains because of my starvation, but I've gotten used to it.

Anna's POV

"Thanks for letting us come, Anna," Repunzel gratefully smiles.

I chuckle, "It's no problem, I mean, we're both queens. Maybe queens of different kingdoms should start visiting more often. Plus, I haven't seen you since mine and Kristoff's coronation."

"Well, we're busy with children of our own," she motions to her 8 year old son and her 2 year old daughter. "So, you have another one coming on the way, huh?"

"Correct. But I'm certain this will be the last. We don't want too many kings and queens, or King if it's a girl."

"Eugene and me want to have just one more. I want a girl, and he wants a boy. But im starting to lean towards a boy."

"I'm hoping for a boy. I don't want Uriah to be lonely."

Olivia's POV

I steady my hands on the brick and stone and haul myself onto the roof. I slide myself up to the window. Peeking through the window at the two little girls playing, I nearly erupt into tears. Maybe one of these will be them, and it breaks my heart. I slide to another window and peek to see an empty room.

"Perfect," I mumble. I climb up a bit and flip the latch at the top corner. The window pushes up barely on its own, but since I'm small enough, I could fit through it. I quickly shut the window, the latch immediately shutting. "If I go to prison, this is your fault, Dad," I speak to myself. I peek through the doorway to make sure nobody is there.

Walking down the hall, I try to peek in rooms to see how many are there. The two little girls, and their parents and little brother start walking down the hall. And soon, I realize it is about time for families to eat supper. Frantically looking around, I dive into a room and hide behind a door. Once their footsteps fade, I look into the room.

"Who are you?" a woman with very short brown hair asks.

Queen Rapunzel. "I-I... Please..."

"Elsa! Elsa!" she calls. Another woman with long blonde hair sprints in.

"Yes Rapunzel?" She points to me and Queen Elsa glares at me. A scowl crosses her face and I back up. "You look awfully a lot like," she gasps, "Prince Hans." I gulp.


Sorry for a shirt chapter! As everyone knows, it's Easter. Alright, a few announcements! Blahaa!

K, so I'm making Chapter 1 of a new story, Disney Academy. It isn't published yet, but I'm almost down with Chapter 1. Of course, Angeline and Kristine will be in there! Along with the newest Disney princess movies such as Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Hercules (maybe), and a mysterious story called Royale :3

Anyways, when it's published, please check it out. Also, do you guys think I should make a website? It could describe my updates and stories, and a few contests where someone could become a special part of this, (read below).

I'm saving up for a new computer, and once I get it, I'm finding out how to make A MINECRAFT SERVER :D. Anybody play minecraft? Anyways, once I make a new server, one lucky person will become co-owner. Along with other people being ranks like Head-Admin, Head-Mod, and other stuff. Once I get my new computer, I'll also find a way to make minecraft videos and post it on YouTube. What do you guys think? It may be in Autumn by the time I get it, but I'll try my hardest. Comment your ideas about this! :)

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