Chapter 6 ~ Welcome!

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Kristoff's POV

I pace outside of our room. The doctor is in there, and so is Anna. I hear cries and pain filled wails from inside and worry comes by the minute. Hours pass, too many hours pass and I get impatient. Then suddenly, the doctor walks out saying, "Sir, you may come in." He stands by as I make my way in. Two little babies lay on cloths, one crying, and one just fidgeting.

"Twins?" I stare in surprise. I crawl on the bed by Anna as the nurse hands us each child after they clean them.

"Both female your majesties," she says. I pull Anna close and I notice the bags under her eyes.

Anna's POV

The nurse hands me one of our daughters and Kristoff and I discuss names. We finally come up with Kristine and Angeline. I kiss each of their foreheads and then kiss Kristoff. I lean my head back into the pillows and Kristoff lays each of the girls in their crib. He crawls in bed and keeps me close in his warm grasp.

"I'm proud of you, Anna," he comforts me.

"I-I never knew it was twins..." I breathed.

"It's ok. We've got two wonderful daughters now, everything is alright."

I nodded and layed my head on his chest. I fell asleep instantly in exhaustion and the girls slept peacefully.


I wake up to sunlight creeping through the window, and I feel fully rested. I go to the cribs on the other side of the room and check on Kristine and Angeline. Kristine's eyes open to slits and she lets out a small whine. I pick her up and rock her, shushing her. I look at our supplies for them and grab the bottle. I pour some milk in it and hold it to her lips. She stares into my eyes, and I stare back into them.

When she's done, I lay her back down and do the same with Kristine. I rock her real quick and set her back down. I set the bottles back up on the shelf and relax in the rocking chair. Soon Kristoff wakes up, and we change the twins into their morning clothes, Kristine in a newborn purple dress with wrapped hand gloves, and Angeline is wearing a light green newborn dress with the same wrapped hand gloves. And then it hits me... Elsa and Olaf have never seen them!

"Elsa and Olaf need to see them! They've never met the girls!" I exclaimed

"Of course! And don't forget Sven. I haven't seen him in a while. Hope he's glad with the town children."

"I'm sure he is. Knowing Sven, he might be eating carrots from them right now!" I joked.

"Yeah..." he laughed back.

He picked up Kristine, and I picked up Angeline. We carried them down the hallway to Elsa's room and with my free arm, knocked on her door. It took a while for her to open, but she finally came out. Her face lit up when she saw them, "Twins?!"

I laugh, "We never knew it either." I hand her Angeline and Elsa looks into her eyes.

"She has her mother's eyes," she whispers.

"Really? Gosh, I was so exhausted last night. Forgot to admire their genes. Ha!" I laughed.

"Come on you two! Let's talk about them!" she exclaims.


A/N: Ok, guys. I'm so happy. You guys got me 63 views and 15 votes OVERNIGHT!!!!!! Okay new goal. When I get 5 followers, chapter 7'll come.

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