Sequel Info

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1. I will probably post it around June 23rd, 2015.

2. It mainly involves Kristine.

3. I need a few names (boy and girl.)


I blinked open, my eyes heavy from the lack of sleep I had. My twin sister was bouncing on top of me, attempting to wake me.

"Kristine! Wake up!" Angeline squealed.

I groaned and shoved her off, turning onto my side.

"Come on, lazy bones!" Angeline bounced back onto me, "It's our big birthday! Adulthood is here!"

"Angeline, I don't think you're ready for adulthood just yet," I joked. I leant up, "Happy Sixteenth, sis."

"Yeah yeah, you too. But come on! The cooks finished our cake! Sixteen layers!"

This was going to be an eventful day.


I'm so excited to get started on this sequel! I have so many plans, involving love and secrets.

Stay tuned!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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