Chapter 12 ~ <No idea what to name it xD>

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Alright, this is going to be a quick update. I literally died last night. My mom came home and got me Frozen on DVD AND Blue-Ray. I was so happy! And then she got me the Frozen soundtrack on iTunes! Oh my gah! I'm so happy.

Comment on this sentence what you have of Frozen, besides seeing the movie :3


Anna's POV

Elsa looked nervous and she shifted her hands over and over again as she walked to her dresser. She finally brought out a metal rod with a diamond in the middle. I clasped my hands over my mouth, "Elsa! Did he---?"

"He did! Ryan proposed!" she exclaimed.

"Tell me you said yes! Come on, tell me!"

"I did!"

"Elsa! When is the wedding?"

"Late Autumn."

"Alright, you and I are looking for a dress! Oh and by the way, why are his clothes here?"

"He spent the night last night."

"Yea, but why are they still here?"

"Well, he's going to live here isn't he...?"

"Um yeah, but seriously why are they here?"

"Out please..."

"Childhood again?" I frown.

"No! Just, I need to clean up."

"Fine," I sigh, losing the fight. I walk out of the room, tucking a strand of ginger hair behind my ear. Squeals come from down the hall and my eyes brighten.

"Mommy, Daddy!" Angeline squeals.

I open our door and beckon Kristoff. He walks up and Kristine and Angeline hug us both. I hug them back tightly and kneel down, "How was school?"

"Amazing! We made so many new friends!" Angeline squeals. Uriah gives his toddler laugh and I set him on the floor. He pushes himself up and walks towards them. Kristine and Angeline giggle and start tickling him.

I turn to Kristoff, "Well, them two will get along with Uriah well. I guess we should put Uriah down and I'll tell you the big news!"

I turn towards them again and pick up Uriah. Once the girls know he's going to bed, Angeline starts chasing Kristine around. I set Uriah down in his crib and he falls backwards immediately. I kiss his forehead and grab his stuffed toy. I lay it down beside him and he hugs it with his thumb in his mouth.

I flop onto the bed, and Kristoff jumps on beside me, making me fly a small portion into the air.

"Hey!" I laugh. I lean up, laying my back on the backside of the bed. Kristoff does the same and I tell him the news.

"Ryan proposed to Elsa! So what do you think? You and Ryan were ice gathering buddies, so you could take him to get clothes for the wedding, and Elsa and me will go find a dress."

"That could be arranged," he sighs.

"Oh come on!" I said, nudging him, "The two kings going out together! Come on! You have to! It'll be cute!"

"Cute is a girl thing," he chuckled.

"Well, it's what you are," I said staring at him.

"Fine," he responded, and we pull into a kiss. When we pull apart, I lay flat on my back but Kristoff stays in the same position.

Suddenly my head starts hurting, and my vision gets nauseous. "I got a letter from Queen Rapunzel and King Eugine. They were asking to come visit," Kristoff said.

"Sure! I remember her coming to our coronation," I reply.


"Probably next week."

"Okay. Do you want to write it, or do you want me to?"

"Can you? My head is pounding and I feel nauseous."

"Of course. Get some rest, I'll wake you before dinner."

I pull myself into the covers and stare at the soft fabric of the sheets. My head pains even more and finally I fall asleep.


My throat starts clogging and my stomach is clenching itself. I crawl out of the covers and head behind the castle outside to get some fresh air. I walk a little ways into the pine forest and relax against a tree. Before I know it, I'm throwing up next to the tree, my stomach clenching and my head relishing itself.

Once it stops I sigh in relief and walk back to the castle, my head still pounding. I stop by Elsa's room on the way and knock quietly. Elsa opens the door and asks, "Anna. Are you okay?"

"Sorta. Can you find the doctor and please send it to our room. My head is pounding and I just threw up."

"Of course! But I think I know what it is."

"Okay. I'll get Kai to get the doctor. Just go relax," Elsa reassures. I nod back at her and walk down the hall to our room. A few minutes later, the doctor and Kristoff walk in. Kristoff sits next to me and the doctor sits on the other side.

"Alright ma'am. I already know you have three kids. No sicknesses right now, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Are you allergic to anything?"


"Last question, have you ever been this sick?"

"Only when I've found I'm... Oh..."

He grins, "Correct, your majesty. You're pregnant again."


Tehe. Anyways, I made an Instagram! Go follow it please (@disneyfrozenfanficswattpad)

Comment if you think I should just change it to (@disneyfrozenfics)

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