Chapter 13 ~ Sister Time

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Anna's POV

"I wish I did this for you when you were getting married," Elsa sighed.

"You didn't need to. But I'm happy to do it for you. At least we're being two sisters going shopping together."

"When are Rapunzel and Eugene getting here, again?" Elsa asks.

"I think they said around supper."

"Okay. Got everything?"

"Yep," I nearly scream in joy, holding up my small bag filled with coins.

Elsa and walk through the town, people asking us how we are and us just saying we're fine and asking back. Soon, we make it to the store where I got my dress, and across the town I can see Ryan and Kristoff disappearing into the suit store. I put a hand on my stomach. Nausea came already. But not too bad, since I've had it my last two pregnancies. Elsa and I look through the dresses until we find one with pale turqouise lace. In the middle on the top part it has a crystal.

Elsa tries it on and comes out, astonishing! She stops by a mirror and I put her hair up in the bun it was in for her coronation. I pull a ribbon out of my bag and tie it around the bun into a bow. She looks in the mirror and says, "I think this is the one. What do you think?"

"You look beautiful, Elsa."

"Then I guess we're getting this one."

We walk up to the person up front and buy it for 85. Elsa and me walk through the town and watch as ships come in loading food or tools for the other kingdoms. I get a bit dizzy and feel myself tilting. I quickly regain my balance and continue to walk. We decide to buy more stuff like jewelry or gifts for the maids and servants.

Random 10 Year Old Girl POV

I watch as Queen Anna and Elsa walk through the town. My family is starving now, and part of me feels like it is their fault. My stomach growls, but not just a growl. Since I'm starving, every moan of my stomach causes awful pains. I shuffle through the alleyway and climb up the rocks to the hills.

I run through the alleyways hidden by the homes. I find my family's hidden path and climb up it. When I make it to the small cave ip entrance, crawling through into the hollow room inside. My Mom and Dad are huddled in the corner and my 5 year old brother sits in between them.

"Mom, Dad. You never told me of your past," I mumble.

"Olivia, we spoke about this..." Mom moaned.

"I know, I know! But please! I want to know what happened. Why are we starving? How did you two meet?"

Mom and Dad exchanged a glance. I stare at them until Dad speaks, "I was one of the former princes of the Southern Isles."

"Then why do we live in Arendelle?" I ask.

"Shush," Mom hushes.

"I came for Queen Elsa's coronation. I-I nearly killed both Queen Elsa and Queen Anna. They threw me in prison and that was how your Mother and myself met. When we got out of prison, I was no longer royalty. And it is all their fault."


"Arendelle in the very past attacked the Southern Isles. And four years ago, they killed both my parents, and they killed one of my twelve brothers."

"So, why do we live here?"

"Because once the right time comes, I'll make the Queens regret their choices."


She looks at Dad, "Hans, what do you think? Should we tell her?"

"Queen Anna has three children. We're using them for our payback."

My eyes widen, "How?"

He leans forward, "Two things. Kidnap, kill."

"I bring my knees up to my chest, "B-but, their just kids! Their younger than me!"

"It doesn't matter. I want Arendelle to suffer more."

"Dad! You can't! It's too horrible!"

"Olivia Baxton! You are not the one associated with this!"

"I'm your daughter! I'm supposed to be!"

"Sit outside now," Mom orders. Whenever my brother or I disobey, our parents make us sit outside for punishment. We only have the hollow cave. So they can't send us to our room or anything. I sit by the entrance and rest my head on the entrance. I dangle my feet over the edge. How can they do this?


Sorry for such a short chapter. So, Hans is back, and he has an evil plan.

Please don't hate me :3

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