Chapter 16 ~ With great power...

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(This chapter focuses more on Olivia [Hans' daughter], so in case you were confused in this chapter, this is just so you could be aware :D Also, I'm sorry this chapter came out late, but I just got back from my family, church camp, and Space Camp [My dream is to be an astronaut :D])

Olivia's POV

I feel the unusual feeling of my nose twitching before I become full aware of what I'm smelling. My nose burns and I realize it's smoke. Smoke! My eyes fly open and I gasp, nearly choking as my breath takes it in. I look around the cave. Wow, Mom and Kinston left me. I crawl out of the cave, my throat clogging with smoke and my eyes burning. I climb up the rocks, away from the smoke before I take in the scene below.

Arendelle stares at the castle in horror and my eyes look over at it. I nearly fall over in shock as I see Dad lighting places on fire, such as the gate, and the windows.

Nearly breaking a bone in the process, I jump down and down, until I land in the thick grass. I run straight to the castle and remember what I did when I got into the castle yesterday. When I get to the windows after climbing up the bricks, I hear women shrieking and men yelling out for their children. I open the latch of the window, and run down the halls. A gasp escapes my mouth as I run into Queen Anna and stumble backwards.

"You again?"

"Please! You have to leave the castle before it spreads!"

"Before what spreads?"

"You don't want to know..."

"Then we'll leave."

"Is there any-" the orange glow coming from the hallway with a shadow stops my speaking. I gape in fear, "Go. Leave. It's your only hope, get out of the castle, and stay quiet."

"What about you?"

"My life isn't worth saving," I stare at the hallway as the light floods into it. Luckily, Dad hasn't made it yet. "Go, now!" I run down the hallway, only to find the fire spreading. Queen Elsa runs out of her room and glares at me.

"I knew it. You. You were planning something." I turn my head back to the fire. This is cruel. The castle will be gone before nighttime.

"Elsa!" Queen Anna calls.

"Right here!" She calls back. "And so is she."

"The fires blocked every hallway. There's no way we'll make it out."

"Go out the windows, it's how I got in."

"What?" Queen Elsa hisses, "you snuck in?"

"Are you just going to stand there?"

Uncertainty sparks in her eyes but, fortunately, she walks anyways.

Anna's POV

"Elsa, he got Angeline."



She looks deep in thought and her eyes widen. "No!"

"The only thing we can do is get Kristine and Uriah and get them safe." My face heats. I thought that it was from my disappointment, but it was from the fire.


Olivia's POV

Night falls. I've failed. The royal family survived. All but one, which I'm not certain is alive. Dad's alive, but Mom and Kinston are gone. Not dead, but gone. I sat in the cave, staring at the girl that was laying in the back. She was bruised, and had burns, but not dead luckily.

The fire didn't spread into the town, fortunately, but it did leave some people in shock.

Dad was out getting food, things like apples and pears. I grabbed a bruised apple from our food stock and sat next to the girl. I gently shook her and she slowly stirred. Her eyes opened and she stared around. She remembered last night, but she fell unconcious before we got her here. She never saw me, so she looked pretty frightened when she saw me.

Her eyes grew wide in fear and a light giggle escaped my lips. Her eyes narrowed a bit and I smiled, "It's alright," I whispered, "I'm on your side." I handed her the apple, and she gratefully took it. "I'm Olivia, what's your name?"

"A-Angeline." She stammered, still frightened.

"It's okay, I'll do everything to keep you safe. But I have a plan. Are you going to cooperate?"

She looked deep in thought. Then she slowly nodded, with a shy smile on her face.

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