Chapter 11 ~ Goodbye girls!

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Kristine's POV

I hugged Mom and Dad before we left for our first day of school. Kai led us to the dock and we climbed up onto the boat.

"I'm so excited! Kristine who do you think we'll meet?!" Angeline exclaims.

My mind goes back to Kayden at the Autumn Ball 3 years ago. His hazel eyes and dark brown hair. He reminds of someone that Mommy, Daddy, and Aunty Elsa told me about. He had sideburns, he was from one place called the Southern Isles, and almost killed Aunty Elsa and Mommy. Somehow my mind flashes back to another time, when I wasn't even born yet.

"Elsa! You can't run from this!" the guy yelled through the vicious snowstorm.

I recognized Aunty when she turned around, "Just take care of my sister!"

I recognized the hatred in his eyes, "Your sister? She returned from the mountain, weak and cold. She said you froze your heart!"

Aunty's eyes widened and she murmured, "No..."

"Your sister is dead... Because of you!"

Another vision filled my eyes, once again before I'm born.

"Hey!" I heard Mom say, sounding much younger than now.

"I-I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?," it was the guy again.

"Hey," Mommy chuckled nervously, "No,no, no... I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just - wasn't looking where I was going..." Mommy answered.

"Oh... Thank Goodness," an awkward silence filled them before he spoke again, "Oh-uh... Prince Hans of the Southern Isles."

"Princess Anna of Arendelle."

My vision went back to normal, and I realized no time had passed. "Uh... I don't know. People?"

We each giggled and Kai handed us a bag with paper, books, and quills. He lastly handed us a sweater that we put on. It may be late summer, but fall has come early.

Angeline and I jumped around until the school came in distance. Angeline skipped off the boat into it, but I had to shuffle my feet. I looked back at the boat and turned back. I ran after Angeline and stopped in my tracks when I saw the school.

The main room was like a big ballroom. There were tables in the middle and chairs on the outer part of the room.

"Ah, hello there girls!" said a high pitched lady. "You'll be in Mrs. Chloebelle's class. She the one with the long, brown curly hair and bright blue eyes. Your classmates are, "she looks at her papers, "Louis, Kayden, Lizzie, Hailey, Oliver, and Marcus."

I look around the room and find the long curly haired woman. She's really pretty. She looks at least in her mid-twenties. She smiles at us when we walk to her.

"You two must be Angeline and. Kristine. Well, do we have the whole class? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Good. Follow me, I'll show you the room. Oh, and stay in a neat straight line!"

I look over at Kayden. He does look a lot like that Hans guy? Is he the son of him? We walk into a medium sized room, kind of like the size of our bedroom.

"All right, princes and princesses. Grab a desk and we'll have a fun first day!" She sits down at a desk herself and I grab the one in between Angeline and Kayden. "All right, first we are going to introduce ourselves."

"Louis of Makhal."

"Lizzie of Hanston."

"Hailey of Jostin."

"Kayden of the Southern Isles."

My turn comes and I force a wobbly smile, "Kristine of Arendelle."

"Angeline of Arendelle."

"Oliver of Weselton"

"Marcus of Gotok."

"Lovely names. I'm Mrs. Chloebelle. My husbands name is George. And I'm from Arendelle," she says smiling, looking at Angeline and I. "I've been a teacher for two years. And before I became a teacher, both Angeline and Kristine were born and a few months before, their baby brother Uriah."

I lower my head, staring at my lap when everyone looks at us. I shuffle my fingers until they turn away, and some other classes walk in with kids our age, introducing them to the class.

Anna's POV

I hold back the tears as Kai helps Angeline and Kristine onto the boat. Kristoff wraps his arm around me and I smile softly. They're growing up. They're all growing up. I look down at Uriah, he is standing on his own, stumbling and Angeline looks at Uriah and waves at him. He throws his hands up doing waves with both of his arms.


I stare out the window, wishing I could still see the boat their on. I hope their safe. I look down and see Uriah pulling on my dress. "What is it, boy?" I pick him up, holding him on my waist and rubbing his head playfully. "Are you hungry?" I walk across the room and grab his bottle. Kristoff is on the bed, reading letters from some of the kingdoms. It's supposed to be my job, but he said I could take care of Uriah and he'll do it.

Uriah sucks on his bottle and I sit by Kristoff, setting Uriah on my lap. "How's it going?" I ask him.

"Same. Pretty much all the kingdoms saying how the chilly temperatures have wilted few of their crops. Or their gardens have brought late fruit."

I sigh, "So I guess everything is fine. I'm gonna go check on Elsa." I hop up with Uriah and he gives a little hiccup. "Sorry, Uriah."

I walk down the hall, careful not to upset Uriah. I stop by Elsa's door and knock on it with a free hand. She opens it and smiles at Uriah. "What is it, Anna?"

"Nothing, just wanted to check on you. So how are you and Ryan doing?"

"Great! Come on in."

I walk in and stare around the room. "Wow, your room looks... different. It's a good different." (<---Quote there from the movie :3) There is a painting of her and then a smaller painting of her and Ryan. On one side of the room where her dresser is, she has a tulip in water. And she has clothes sitting by her window, which I know aren't hers. She seems to have made an art wall where I guess she skims her fingers on the wall to make a picture. She has new blankets, blue and white with a small hint of green. Above the doorway is a turqouise clock, and she has a new dresser that is made of pine wood, and above her bed is a snowflake painted onto the wall.

"Yeah..." I notice she glances at a drawer in her dresser.

"Why are you glancing over there?" I ask, setting Uriah on her bed and taking a step over to it.

"Wait! That's what I wanted to tell you..."


Angeline's POV

The lunch maker, Mr. Gerald, hands us all a wrapped sandwich ( Am I the only one thinking of Love is an Open Door right now? XD) and a peach.

After we eat, I turn to Kristine, "I love this school!"

"Yeah. Me too!" She glances to her right but I don't question it. After everyone is finished eating, Mrs. Chloebelle lines us up in two different lines. The home kingdom deliverer boat, and our home boat. The boy named Kayden, my new friend Hailey, and Kristine and I are the only ones in the home boat line. Each line walks out, but one lady leads the other line one direction and Mrs. Chloebelle leads us in the other.

Soon, we see Kai and I skip to him, Kristine just sprints. One of the ladies that helps us get ready is one the ship, and she kneels down next to us and fixes our tiaras. Kristine and I sit in one of the rooms on the boat and laugh and giggle about school. I skip to thee window and see Arendelle coming into the distance. "We're almost home!"

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