Chaoter 10 ~ Just an ordinary mother...

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~2 years later~ (Lots of time skips I know :3)

Anna's POV

"Come here, Uriah! You can do it!" I cheer the ginger headed toddler, learning how to walk. I remember when he took his first steps:

"Mom-ma!" His baby voice stuttered. I smiled and tickled his chin. He gave a giggle and I rubbed my hand through his hair, straight like Kristoff's. I set his chubby little legs on the ground and he falls to the floor.

"Oh, silly boy!" I chuckled. I got in the floor with him and grabbed his tiny toddler hands. He jerked his hands away and pushed on the floor, a weak push since he's just 2. He crawled up on his legs and I quickly grabbed his hands before he fell. He swayed a bit on his feet, and took a slight step towards me. He falls down and I smile.

"Well, little prince. You just took your first steps!"

He laughed and continued walking to me. Once he reached me, I caught him and hugged him tight. I stood up, with his hands softly in between my fingers and swayed/danced with him. His cute little toddler smile brightening up the day.

I sat on the bed and handed him his bottle. He grabbed it and sucked the milk out of it quickly. I put him up to my shoulder and rocked him. Once I felt his steady breaths on my neck, I put him into his oak wood crib with a soft, pine green blanket. Kristine and Angeline are 7, and almost ready to go to the royal school. It's still summer, so they have at least 3 weeks.

The school, it's a school for princes and princesses only, they meet at Makhal (Mack-al). I wish I would've gone, but, to put it simply: Elsa, powers, secret, gates.

I went to my mirror and noticed that my hair had small curls in it from bed. Man, how lonely was I last night. Sven, Olaf, and Kristoff have gone to ice gather again. This time for two weeks.

I got a brush and brushed my hair out, grunting at the tangles in the back. "Hmm, leave it down, or in my original look?" I wonder aloud.

I shrug to myself and just put it into my braided pigtails. I look in my wardrobe and find a light green dress with white streaks on the skirt part and white designs on the top. I look back at Uriah and lightly brush my fingers on his chubby cheek before grabbing his teddy bear and laying it in his arms.

I walk out of my room and knock on Elsa's door. I was so excited for her! Last year her and Ryan had their first kiss. Oh, I- maybe I shouldn't mention mine... She came back to the castle, rose cheeks and a big smile. She told me what had happened and we had squealed together. Yes, squealed. Olaf randomly came in and was squealing to. He gave us a pretty good laugh.

Elsa walks out in a blue dress with white flats. "Do you want to build a snowman?" I ask her. She immediately grabs my arm and drags me into the ballroom. She stomps her foot, twice. A thick layer of ice comes and she grabs our ice skates from the drawer. We quickly put them on and Olaf walks in doing his "Glide and pivot! And glide and pivot!" cheer. We relaxed all day and played and enjoyed ourselves.


Thanks guys so much for making this the 3rd best Anna (and Kristoff) fanfiction! I'm so thankful! Sorry I didn't update earlier. I promise, this story isn't going anywhere! Love you guys!

May God bless your day (or night), and set your footsteps on the best path.



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