Chapter 7 ~ 3 Years Later

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3 Years Later ( Anna is preggers again. And the twins are 3 1/2 years. )

Anna's POV

"Welcome all of Arendelle to the Autumn Ball."

I help Kristine and Angeline walk down the stairs and step out into the ballroom. It's their first official ball, and I want them to experience it well. I don't want them to go through what Elsa and I did. I'll always keep them together.

Some people give them adoring looks. The only time they've seen them is when we presented them to the town.

Kristine's POV

I look out over the crowd and shyness rushes me. I feel hotness flood into my face and Angeline looks at me, "What's the matter?"

"Just... shy..." I respond, keeping my voice low.

"Oh well! Come on, let's get chocolate!" she cheers.

"Mom, can we?" I look up at Mom.

"Of course. Just leave some for me!" she bends down.

"Real quick question? Are we having a brother or sister?" I ask.

"I don't know, sweetie. But we'll find out in a few months," she answers.

I nod and race after Angeline. Some people give us wild looks and more hotness floods my face.

"Kristine? Your as red as a tomato!"

"Well considering, you dragged me through a crowd of people like they weren't even there, yeah," I retort. Angeline and I eat a lot of chocolate, and the maids bring out another plate to refill it and lay the ones on the rest beside it.

I try to head outside to look outside, but I run into a little boy and I fall into my side. I hear my tiara clink against the floor and the boy's expression turns to shock. I crawl up and put my tiara back on.

"I'm so sorry!" he says.

"Well, I haven't already made a fool of myself. My twin sister dragged me through the crowd like the people were toys," I laugh, brushing my dress down.

"What's your name?" he asks


"I'm Kayden. Well, I'll see you around!"

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