Chapter 18 ~ The Loss

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Anna's POV

"What exactly are you saying?" I ask the girl.

"I'm trying to get Angeline back to you, but I'm waiting for the right time," she answers.

"Isn't anytime the right time?" I snap at her.

"Then my father would notice she was missing. And this entire cycle would happen again. Would you want that?" She presses back at me.

"Fine!" I throw my hands up. "Just take care of her!" I watch as she stands up and walks out of the palace. I'm usually never angry, but this just makes me upset.

"Your Majesty," the Royal Doctor says, "I'm here for your checkup."

I sigh, "Alright," and head over to the bed.


"I'm afraid I have bad news," he says, and fear immediately takes me over.

"W-what is it...?" I ask.

"You seem to have lost the baby..." I feel my face heat, and tears well in my eyes. "I didn't hear a heartbeat, and you said you didn't feel any movement. That only makes me think of a hysterical pregnancy."

"What caused it?"

"I think breathing in all the smoke from when the palace was on fire."

"What's going to happen?"

"You're going to give birth like normal, but the baby will be born dead..."

"T-thank you, Doctor," He walks out, and I start to cry. I've lost two children, and one never even had the moment to live. I stand up, and go to the window, watching as the village bustles around their normal day. But it hasn't been a normal day for me. Nothing has for a while.

"The Doctor met me outside. He said he had some bad news..." I hear Kristoff's voice, and I sob.

"We lost it. Baby number 4 is a no go," I answer, my voice muffled by my sobs.

His arms wrap around me and it seems to comfort me. I had tried so hard not to hurt this child, and now it's gone. I'd never get to feed it, rock it, or hear it's first words.


Angeline's POV

I sit in the cave, alone, cold, hungry. It would have been supper time at home. If only I were there, and not here. The girl crawls back into the cave, and I smile. This is the girl who has been treating me so kind. She doesn't seem to be like the man, her father, who took me.

She sits at the other end of the cave in silence, messing with her blonde curls, until she finally speaks.

"I'm sorry that this is happening to you. I never wanted my Dad to do this. Your mother is waiting for you, and as long as you trust me, she trusts me."

"Is she okay?" I immediately ask, "Is the baby okay?"

"I'm sure they're both fine." ((IM SORRY, IM SO SO SORRY!))

"And Kristine?"

"She's worried, but your Mom is probably taking care of her." She crawls over to me and starts to put my hair in it's usual braid. "I'll take you down to the river if you want. You probably need to get all this dirt out of your hair." I was wondering why her was always so clean for a homeless girl. But it does explain why it is greasy.

"Okay. I'm not used to dirt in my hair. Just little ribbons and bows."

She helps me out, and guides me down the giant rock. "Put your foot there, and your other foot there."

We make it to the river, and she politely helps me out of my dress. It wasn't awkward, because we were hidden in the woods. She walks a little ways away and dips the dress in the river while I bathe. I watch her, though, as she hangs on a branch, then undresses herself and does the same with her dress.

I soon feel clean, then jump up and grab my dress. I put it back on. Olivia was already out, and waiting for me. I walked over to her, and she handed me a piece of bread. I ate slowly, then followed as she led me deeper into the woods. "Where are we going?"

"The back way. At this time, Arendelle is searching the cave's area. I'm taking you to our hideout."

"Oh. What's it like?"

"It's just a clearing surrounded by tall grass."

We continue to walk deeper, until my feet hurt. "Couldn't we take a horse?" I whine.

"We have no horses. Waste of money when we could work our muscles."

"But my feet are hurting!"

"That's good. You might get some calluses."


"You'll understand when you're older."

I continue in silence, until I realize, we aren't going to a hideout. We are traveling in circles!

She then takes a turn to the left, and we come upon a small village. "Welcome to Malo! ((Muh-low))"

"Malo? You said a hideout."

"We only come here when we are in danger. There are a lot of homeless, starving people, like me and my family. We all work and help each other. It's a wonderful place, but Dad always wanted to stay close to Arendelle."

"Why would you lie to me?"

"Because if I told you, you would have given us away. I don't want to be captured."

"Like me?"

"No! You're not captured by me. I'm helping you. I need to keep you hidden from my Dad. If he finds out I brought you here, he will kill the two of us."

Olivia's POV

We remained in Malo for a while, and I kept Angeline hidden in one of the cabin's attics. She tried her hardest no to complain. Three weeks later, without Dad showing up, and no word of Arendelle burning down, I decided it was time. Angeline was going to be returned to her family.


Anna lost the baby! Why did I do this?! I told you guys, though, that something was going to happen.

Thanks so much, again, wantingtranquility for making me the story cover! Please go show them some love and follow them!

Factoid: I'm a she. My birthday is July 30. I have 6 cats. And am the youngest of three kids.

This story will be ending soon, but I will make a sequel. It will be about Kristine, since this story focuses more on Angeline's capture. I figured Kristine needed a moment in the spotlight. Anyways, if I'm correct, Uriah is two, and the twins are 6. Am I correct?

I love you guys! And be ready for a new chapter soon! Enjoy two chapters in two days! :)

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