Chapter 32

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You've never noticed me before. So what's different now? I stare at you, no I think, I'm staring through you as you spoke animatedly about some club you were thinking of starting.

"Will you join?" You ask finally, an exuberant smile plastered on your carefree face.

I take the time to look at you. "I don't see why not,"

And that's when it all started.

"Master Aiko, you're going to be late for school,"

I didn't bother to glance up at my butler. "I'll be down in a minute," I finished jotting my last thoughts into my journal.

He sighed and bowed and left. I found myself staring at the empty doorway for longer than I intended. After a few minutes, I tore myself away and stood, straightening out my blazer. Something felt off, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. My journal felt thin, my room felt empty and my heart.. what's this feeling in my heart? A storm began to hit the ocean in my head, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Master Aiko?"

"Yes, I'm coming," I grabbed my school bag and headed for the door.

My driver was silent, opening the door for me and closing it behind me. Was he always like this? Everything feels odd. This has been my everyday for as long as I can remember but something feels off.


I looked up to see my driver holding open the door. When did we get to school?

I stepped out and made my way to my tree, I stared at it for a minute. The ocean in my mind a dull sound, barely covering the hush of the wind rustling the leaves. This is my tree. Why is this my tree?

A voice rang in my head.

"What's with you and this tree, senpai?"

Haruhi? The errand boy for the hosts? I don't think I've been to this tree with him.

"It's a nice tree,"

It's strange, this feels like.. a memory. But it's not, it can't be.

"There's a bunch more just like it,"

"Is there? I don't know... this one just feels special,"

My hands traced the bark of the tree, landing on a heart carved into the side, almost unnoticeable. The heart had a K+A. I stared for a while longer.

"Huh, I wonder who put that there," I adjusted my book bag.

"Aiko-san," a weary voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned around to see Haruhi, in uniform and looking rather dashing.

"Oh Haruhi-san, you look very handsome in your uniform. Is that Tamaki's doing?" My voice felt robotic, like it wasn't my own.

He looked at me in surprise. "Um yeah, it was. I was uh— going to ask you," he stumbled over his words a bit. "Kyoya-senpai didn't tell us you were coming back, I'm just surprised to see you, I'm sure everyone will be,"

At the sound of his name a strange twist happened to my heart. What was that? And when had I missed school? I must've been so stuck in my ocean I didn't realize I was missing it, and I didn't bring a gift for my customers. How sad to show up empty handed.


"Hm? Oh Haruhi-san, sorry. Well I wouldn't expect Kyoya to know but I was just busy with my fathers business while he's away,"

A confused look crossed his face. "Oh.. um okay, I'll see you in the club room later then?"

"Yes, of course,"

He walked off a bit then looked back at me. "If you don't come in now you might be late. Also they moved you into class 2-D while you were.. out,"

I stood from my spot in the grass and dusted myself off. "Thank you for informing me,"

He smiled weakly and then quickly walked off. Everything feels off. Something is very very wrong. As those thoughts started up again so did the storm in my mind and suddenly a bell rang. I looked around and I was in class, in class 2-D. The unfamiliar faces looked strangely familiar and I stared at the passing faces as they packed up their bags to leave. Was it lunch already?

"Aiko-san?" The girl next to me spoke up, holding her books to her chest.

"Yes?" My eyebrows furrowed together slightly as the storm in my ears made it hard to hear her.

"Are you going to be at the host club today?" She shifted her weight to her other foot.

"I will be, afterschool,"

She stared a moment. "Um.. it is.. afterschool," she spoke quietly, barely above a whisper.

Oh. I guess I've missed the whole day.

"Oh. Well then, let me walk with you,"

At that she perked up a bit and walked with me out of the classroom and through the winding halls. This feels odd. We arrived to the club room and she waited outside with the rest of the girls while I walked into the room. All chatter inside the club room fell silent and I closed the doors behind me. I turned to see them all staring, almost absolute shock.

I stood awkwardly. "What?"

Tamaki was the first to break the silence, attacking me with a great big hug. I stood still. My Prince Charming. The boy I've been fascinated with.. is hugging me with a great big smile on his face. Yet.. I feel nothing. My ocean roars on, my heart has a steady beat. Just yesterday I was infatuated, and today I feel nothing? I know I care for him but my mind and body don't react. Am I sick?

By the time I came back he wasn't hugging me but standing in front of me with a worried yet expectant face. I looked around at the rest of the hosts, all with similar expressions. But I stopped at one, his eyes stared at the floor, his hand clenched that journal he always carries around and his shoulders stood tense.

Kyoya Otori.

At the thought of his name and the sight of his unusual stance, my ocean went quiet. Could it be.. that Kyoya has been my Prince Charming all along and I've never noticed till now?

His eyes met mine after what felt like forever and at that the ocean was gone. I never knew that could happen and I took a step back in surprise. A flash of hopefulness went through Kyoya's eyes, but what would he be hoping for?

I took another step back. "I've decided I don't feel well, and I won't be able to attend club activities today, my apologies," I tore my eyes away from Kyoya and looked back at everyone else's expectant faces, the ocean in my mind coming back quick and hard.

At my words everyone's shoulders drooped and there was an aura of disappointment in the air. I turned around without another word and left. I walked down the hall, one boy on my mind. One boy I thought I would never feel such a thing for.

Kyoya Otori? Is he the one that will pull me from my ocean..? Is he the one that will save me from this suffering? My heart aches for him as if I've loved him forever now, but I've only just realized today how I feel. Would it even be possible for him to feel the same way? Maybe.. maybe there hope that he does.. maybe he can save me. I'll never know if I don't try.

The serious and the stoic.. who would've thought?

Lmao several years later I finally finish this. Honestly I remembered about Wattpad and just came to browse and realize I had this ending drafted and never posted it! For those of you that I may have left hanging, I'm so sorry. And for possibly new readers, I hope you enjoyed:)

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