Chapter 22

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Im not in the mood for the beach. Especially after last week. And you have no issues with that. You want me as far from water as possible, and even though you won't tell me your reasons, I'm glad for it, because I really don't want to hear the ocean ever again.

"Aiko, are you sure you don't want me to stay in here with you?"

"I'm sure," I looked away from my journal to Kyoya. "Go have fun,"

He hesitated. "I... need to supervise the hosts... or they'll do something stupid,"

"Then go do that," I walked toward him, wrapping my arms around his torso and setting my head on his shoulder.

He wrapped his arms around me gently. "We'll be back in time for dinner,"

"Okay, I'll be waiting,"

He kissed the top of my head. "I'll call whenever I can,"

"Focus on the girls, okay? Keep them safe,"

"We will,"

I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before retreating back to my desk that had some work on it. I had a bunch of paperwork and conference calls planned for today, trying to fix the problems that arose with Kyoya and mines relationship.


My first conference call of the day took a total of two and a half hours. More than I intended it to take, but I managed to fix the relationship between our businesses. But this is just one.

I have about twelve more business associates who also need convincing and I'm not sure they're going to be as easy as this one. They're all much older and much more against same sex relationships. I sighed tiredly, already exhausted.

"Why aren't you at the beach with the others...?" An eery voice spoke from behind me.

I looked toward the source of the noise to see a blonde man with blue eyes.

"Uhm..." who is he? "I don't like the ocean,"

"The ocean... is filled with a dark many of secrets. A beautiful evil,"

He's... pretty cool...

"It's a disaster with a sparkling face of diamonds," I spoke.

His eyes sparkled. "A never ending abyss of darkness—"

"—dripping with thick blue blood,"





He was quiet after that, a smile etched on his face. We stared at each other for a moment. My eyes shined with a mix of amusement and amazement. I stuck out my hand for him to shake.

"Aiko Toshigawa,"

He stuck his hand out from the shadows, grabbing my own in a polite shake.

"Umehito Nekozawa,"

"Ah," my eyes widened a fraction. "Nejozawa-senpai, I didn't recognize you,"

He waved it off with a smile. "I've been wanting to formally introduce myself to you anyway,"

"I'm glad you did," I bowed my head. "It was a pleasure talking with you,"

"It was,"

"We should do so again, soon,"

"How about breakfast tomorrow? Before sunrise?"

Right, he doesn't like light.

"That sounds like an enjoyable morning," I replied, accepting his offer for breakfast.

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