Chapter 25

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School. Work. Two very stressful but completely necessary things. Work is at a steady point, thanks to the influence of Kyoya. Speaking of Kyoya, he's been acting a bit off lately. Or maybe it's me acting weird?

How can I tell?

"Master Aiko,"

I looked up at my butler who stood in the doorway of my office, his eyes showed that he was in a panic.

"What's wrong?"

"Um, y—you're on the news," He panted as if he ran around looking for me.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv which was set to the news channel already and sure enough I was there. It was a picture of me with Nekozawa. I had a hand over my mouth with a grin, while Nekozawa's face had been blurred out.

"Was the stoic boy just an act? To get sympathy from us, to get money from us, to take our businesses from us? just because his parents died three years ago?" A mechanically deep voice spoke, the news said it was a live caller.

"M—maybe we should turn it o—"

I held a finger up, shutting my butler up. "They must have the wrong person,"

I turned off the news, sat back down and got back to work. Dismissing the false information from a coward who won't show his face, or even his true voice. Spreading lies like that... it's disgusting.

My phone rang as I waved the butler out.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey," Kyoya's voice was dull, emotionless almost.


"Did—" he took a deep breath. "Did you see the news?"

"Yes, do you believe these news channels? Taking in false information and spreading them around? Father will surely be upset about this when he and mother return," I shook my head. "It's unbelievable,"

"...unbelievable.." he mumbled after me.

"You alright?" I questioned.

"Yes, just a little tired,"

"Would you like to come over? I'm a bit tired as well, and I do feel the need for some company,"

I could hear the smile in his voice when he said, "Yes, I'd love that. I'll be there soon,"

"Okay, I'll be waiting in my room," I smiled softly.

"I love you,"

"You too,"

"See you soon,"




I hung up and immediately started to clean up my paper work before heading upstairs to my bedroom. I took a quick shower, changed into some pajama pants and was drying my hair when the butler opened the door, allowing Kyoya in. I smiled smally in thanks to my butler as he closed the door.

I hung my towel on the closet door and quickly pulled out a shirt.

"No.. leave it off," Kyoya walked up to me, placing his hands on the bare skin of my waist and pulling me close to him.

"But I don't like—"

"You're beautiful, Aiko,"

"Isn't 'beautiful' for girls?"

He chuckled. "It's for everything, especially you,"

I blushed lightly, hiding it by pressing my face to his shoulder. "Let's go lay down," I mumbled.

He slowly walked backwards, not letting my waist go. He dropped down onto the bed, with me landing on top of him. I let out a short chuckle, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck.

He traced shapes and lines along the pale skin of my back. "Why did you debunk the mans ideas on the news?" He mumbled.

"Well, it's obviously false. Seeing as he said they had been dead for three years but they've only been on vacation a year,"

He paused his shapes for a moment. "A year?"

"Yes, i know that's a long time, but they deserve it, they've worked so hard,"


We were quiet for a moment. I suddenly sat up slightly, holding myself over him.

"Is this a part of the secret you're holding from me?"

"What? No," he stared up at me, his eyes showed hesitation.

"Are you sure? Are my parents completely safe at this moment?"

He grabbed my face in his hand gently. "They're completely safe, Aiko, nothing can hurt them,"

I searched his eyes for any hint of a lie before I nodded slowly. "Okay..."

He pulled me back down, holding me to his chest tightly. I swear I heard him sniffle, and i thought maybe he was crying, but he wouldn't  let me look up to see. He kept my head placed below his chin.

"Why are you crying?" I mumbled.

"I'm not," his voice was a weak whisper.

"Are you sad?"

"I'm always happy to be with you,"

"Then... why are you crying..?"

"I'm not," he kissed the top of my head. "I promise you I'm not,"

False promise.

False truths.

Kyoya... why can't you tell me what's real? I want to know... I can handle it, whatever you're hiding from me. I swear I can handle it. I'm getting so much better with my emotions, I'm smiling and laughing and remembering and I don't fall into my ocean anymore. Please... just tell me.

I just... I need to know.

This is a shorter chapter, but I'm just not really feeling it today. My sister and her kids are moving to Oregon and I'm really going to miss them.

I wanted to go with them but.. yeah.. oh well.

Sorry for typos! Ciao

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