Chapter 26

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Unintelligent. That's what my teacher called me the day after our exam scores were released. Unintelligent. I scored the lowest in my class. Actually I scored the lowest in all classes my grade. Unintelligent. Undedicated. Unfocused. I'm a failure. So much so that my teacher is ashamed of me. Unintelligent. I can't imagine how father or Kyoya might react.


I'm ashamed of myself.

"Master Aiko,"

"Hm? Has father or mother called?" I questioned absentmindedly.

"... no, but Mister Ootori is on the line,"

I sighed. I can't keep ignoring his calls if he's calling my work place now. I made a gesture for her to send the call my way.

I took a deep breath and then picked up the phone.


"Aiko, where have you been?"

"Working," I shuffled through some papers.

"You haven't been to school all week, the teacher is think of moving you to class 2-D, because you're missing so much," I could hear the clamor of the Host Club around him.

"How are club activities going?"

He sighed. "Your costumers are asking if you've resigned for club activities,"

"Oh, I'll send flowers to them tomorrow as an apology,"

"They don't want flowers, Aiko," he snapped, I could hear the room he was in fall to a hush, then I could hear him shuffle out into the hallway. "They don't want flowers," he repeated quietly. "They want you, I want you,"

My heart fluttered softly and I sighed. "Kyoya—"

"Master Aiko, Mr.Reyes is on line two, he says it's urgent," my assistant poked her head through my office door.

I nodded with a sigh. "Yes, of course," I turned my attention back to Kyoya. "I love you, I'll talk to you when I get home,"

He was quiet for a moment. "Fine," he hung up without saying goodbye.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly before switching to line two.

"Mr. Reyes, what issue do you need to discuss?"

And then he droned on and on and on...


By the time I got home it was almost midnight.

"Master Aiko," My butler took my coat at the door.

I rubbed my temples. "Bring some pain reliever to my room," I walked past him up to my room.

I opened the door, shutting it behind me and going toward my closet to change.


I jumped and turned around, seeing Kyoya sitting on my bed. His hair a mess, making it look like he just woke up. He rubbed his eyes tiredly, only proving my conclusion.

"What are you doing here?" I kicked off my shoes, placing them in their designated spot in my closet.

"I came about an hour ago, because you never called... but you weren't home. I guess, I fell asleep.." he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

I walked up to him and sat across from him. "You really want to talk don't you?"

"I want to know what's wrong,"

"I failed my exam,"

"What? That's it? The exam?"

I looked away. "I had the lowest score in our entire grade,"

He sputtered. "What?? How?"

"He called me unintelligent,"

He was quiet for a moment then I felt his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. "You're very smart, Aiko, there's a reason for you getting such a low score,"

"What is it?"

"Your head just wasn't in the right place,"

I looked up at him. "I have been very busy lately.."

"With your company's recent decline in workers, you weren't focused on studying. But don't worry about that anymore," he lightly caressed my cheek. "I'll help you. You just have to tell me what the issue is and I'll help, always,"

I smiled softly. "I was scared... you'd be disappointed in me,"

I gave me a soft smile of his own. "I'm not,"

We stared at each other for a moment, enjoying the moment of being in each other's arms.

"I'm going to get ready for bed," I mumbled, placing my lips on his in a brief kiss before getting up.

I could feel his eyes follow me to the bathroom.

"Are you going to be staying?"

He shuffled for his phone. "It's already late, might as well,"

I smiled to myself. "I'm going to shower really quickly, I'll be out in a minute,"


I turned toward him, seeing him looking through the doorway of the bathroom. I shook my head and shut the door, seeing his amused expression.

I took a quick shower, stepping out, I wrapped a towel around my waist. I made my way to my closet.

Kyoya was on the phone, but seemed to pause his conversation as I walked past him. I shut the closet door so I could change without him seeing. He resumed his conversation a long moment later.

"Huh? Oh u— uh yes,"

I snickered quietly. Who is he talking to this late at night?

I changed into some sweats and a T-shirt.

I walked out, seeing Kyoya off the phone. "Who were you on the phone with?" I went to sit next to him.

He grabbed me before I could sit down and pulled me onto his lap. "My sister, she wanted to know where I was," he set his chin on my shoulder

"Ah, is she okay with you being here?"

"Yes," he nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck.

"Kyoya... I—" I sighed.

"Hm? What is it?"

"I... it's nothing. Let's sleep, we have school tomorrow,"

He looked at me for s moment before he nodded. We laid down and I cuddled close to him.

I wanted to ask him about the secrets and the lies. I wanted him to tell me the truth. But it just didn't feel like the right time. I want to know the truth, I don't want to destroy our relationship. And if I learned anything from those books I've read, pressing someone about the truth causes a fight.

A fight is the last thing I want.

Happy thanksgiving nerds! Y'all I'm thankful for you, I rlly am. Bc here I am relieving stress by writing and you guys are reading this shit that I write. I for real am so freaking thankful for you.

Sorry for typos! Ciao!

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