Chapter 2

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The way you look at me is different from him. It makes me feel warm while he makes me feel a type of need.

A need to be happy.

Your look... already makes me feel a sense of happiness. Could it be that you could pull me away from this ocean?

When I look into your dark eyes, I can't see the surface, but I can feel it.

"Mister Aiko, you're going to be late for school,"

I didn't bother to glance up at my butler, a routine I've become accustomed to. "I'll be down in a minute," I finished jotting my last thoughts into my journal.

He let out a soft sigh and left. I found myself staring at the empty doorway for longer than I intended. After a few minutes, I tore myself away and stood, straightening out my blazer. Of course I had an infatuation with Tamaki from the start, it isn't a secret but it isn't something I openly share. But recently... the past few months actually, I've noticed that Tamaki's bright smile doesn't make me feel warm... like it did in the beginning. I think a certain dark haired boy has slowly made his way into my closed off heart.. but when did he manage to do that.

"Mister Aiko, we're here," my driver spoke.

I looked out the opened car door to my driver. When did I get into the car? I stepped out and was greeted by eager ladies once again. I don't understand what they see in someone like me. Someone so closed off and dry. I made my way past them and decided to go toward the garden, it's peaceful there and I'm not in the mood to hold a conversation right now. I sit under my tree and shut my eyes, not falling asleep but just listening to the wind rustling the leaves mixed with the sound of waves crashing in my ears.

I don't know how much time had passed when I heard foot steps approaching.

"I thought I'd find you here,"

I opened my eyes to see Kyoya. He looks concerned as he sits next to me. "You missed all your morning classes,"

I rose my eyebrows slightly in surprise. "It didn't feel that long, I swear I just sat down,"

The concern in his eyes only seems to grow. "It seems your forgetfulness is getting worse,"

I shook my head. "No, I assure you this won't happen again," I looked up toward the leaves of the tree. Why is Kyoya so concerned? Maybe he feels like I might miss club activities too.

Kyoya grabbed my chin, ripping me from my thoughts and made me look at him. For a second as I looked into his eyes, I felt the ocean in my mind pause and I swear I could hear bird singing in the tree above me, but it was only a second before the rushing of the waves filled in.

"This is serious, Aiko, you should see a doctor,"

"If it happens again, then I will. I feel as though I'm getting better, actually," I tilted my head.

Because of you?

He released my chin. "I hope that's the case,"

I do too. But it feels like the only time I get any sense of hope of this getting better is when you're around. Maybe I should just keep you around then? Until the ocean goes away?

My thought journal. I start to dig around in my bag and pull out my notebook, I make sure to sit in a way where Kyoya can't see. He doesn't make any move to peak as I jot down my thoughts.

It feels like the only time I get any sense of hope of this getting better is when you're around. Maybe I should just keep you around then? Until the ocean goes away? Would you let me do that? Let me keep you?

I glanced up at Kyoya who watched me curiously. Would you?

The serious and the stoic. Who would have thought?

I shut my journal. "It's lunch now, isn't it?"

Kyoya nodded.

"I should eat," I slipped my journal into my bag and stood.

"Allow me to accompany you," Kyoya was quick to stand as well.

I looked at him. Paying attention to how he dusted the dirt off his pants, how he adjusted his glasses, awaiting my response.

"I don't see why not,"

Something tells me that the sudden hush of the waves instead of the roaring of the tides is a good thing. And as we walked to the cafeteria, I felt like giving Kyoya a chance, letting him get close. What harm can come from lettin him get close? Maybe... I'll start feeling again.

As we're waiting in line for lunch, I get a call.


"Master Aiko?"


"An urgent board meeting has come up in Osaka, we need to get you on the earliest flight,"

I sighed. "Yes, of course,"

"Your driver is waiting out front,"

"I'll be out in a second," I hung up and faced Kyoya who looked like he already knew he was going to be disappointed. "I have to go, I'll be back in a few days,"

He nodded. "Understandable, when business calls, you must go,"

I nodded. "This will affect the income of costumers for the club, I'll work harder when I come back,"

He cleared his throat and looked away. "Surely, because if not, I might be forced to remove you from the Host Club,"

He always pulls this threat on me.

"Yes, of course," I placed a hand on his arm. "I'll see you soon," and then I turned around and left.

I went to the awaiting limo in the pick up area in front of the school. I don't understand why mother and fathers vacation to the family island is taking so long. Having to leave school to take care of fathers business is starting to affect my grades. Which won't make him very happy when he returns.

"Master Aiko,"

I look out the open door and sigh, stepping out. "Sorry, I was lost in thought," I followed my assistant into the airport, she already had my bags ready.

I don't usually like private jets but there weren't any flights to Osaka at this time so I had to use my families private jet. I sat in my seat and looked out the window. It felt like minutes before we landed again, the roaring of the ocean tide back in my ears.

Parte dos

How are you guys feeling? I really wanna know how this story is going? If I should fix anything?

Things you like? Things you don't like?

Lay it on me guys.

Sorry for typos! Ciao!

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