Chapter 19

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I never thought that dating a boy would be a problem. I love who I love. My customers don't have a problem. But other kids do. Whenever I walk down the hall without you, they call me names, though they're all quite repetitive and I find trouble in finding them anything but amusing. At first they scared me but that was only at first.

Because now another problem has arose. Some of my business partners have a problem with my love life and want to split ways, the only thing holding them to me is a contract. But those contracts are bound to expire.

"Master Aiko,"

"Yes im coming," I stood walking down to the limo.

I think its time to call father, before any of this gets worse and he comes back to his business in shambles. I'm going to have to make up for the partners I've lost... I won't bother him until I'm positive that there is nothing left I can do.

Speaking of speaking to father... I feel like I should tell mother about uncle... she'll be devastated though, it'll completely ruin their vacation. Uncle did write in his letter to not bother her till she returns... I guess he's right. I shouldn't bother her. She'll be angry at me that she missed his funeral though...

We reached the school and I stepped out, making my way to my tree. I sat comfortably, looking up at the leaves and branches that swayed in the light breeze.


I looked toward Tamaki, surprised to see him there. "Tamaki, sit," I pat the spot next to me.

He sat down, our shoulders pressed against each other as we shared the tree trunk as a back rest.

"You're here quite early," I broke the comfortable silence.

"I was hoping to get a chance to talk with you," he sat up and turned his body toward me.

I looked at him. "Hm? About what?"

"You and Kyoya," he awkwardly glanced around. "The hosts and I have been wondering if the two of you are really.... you know... or if it's all pretend for the customers. We have no problem with it! There's just been some nasty words said outside the club,"

Does... Tamaki have a problem with me dating a boy too? I know he said he doesn't but people lie all the time.

"It's.... pretend...." I lied.

"Oh," relief swarmed his eyes. "Well that'll clear up everything, making all the bad things go away,"

"And if it were real? What would have happened?"

"Nothing of course, we'd ask for you two to be more conservative as to not bother the costumers, right?"

"So our relationship is a bother? That's how you feel?"

His eyes widened as he quickly flailed his arms around. "That's not what I meant to say! Nothing is coming out right...."

"It's Alright Tamaki, I understand,"

"You do...?"

"If I want to be with Kyoya, then I have to leave the Host Club,"

"No! That's not what I—"

"Problem solved, I quit," I looked him in the eye.

I know I'm being irrational. But I am irritated beyond belief. Tamaki and the hosts were supposed to be my safe space where I could be with Kyoya without them shooting me dirty looks when he isn't looking.

I get enough of this in business meetings. In the halls. In class. I don't need it with the Host Club.

Tamaki didn't say anything. He sat there with wide eyes and mouth agape as I stood and walked away toward the school. The halls were fairly empty, but I didn't miss the few harsh whispers of names I assume they think are offensive.

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