Chapter 8

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There's two reasons why I'd follow you to the end of the world.

1. You'd do it in an organized way

2. You'd probably stay completely calm throughout the whole thing.

"Aiko, are you listen to me at all?"

I shut by journal and looked at Kyoya. "Yes,"

He sighed. "What're you scribbling about?"

I shrugged. "Things,"

"Things about our project, I hope,"

I shrugged again. "Maybe,"

He shook his head and set his notes to the side. "Let's get you something to eat,"

"I'm not very h—"

"My cook makes delicious sushi," he grabbed my hands and pulled me up gracefully.

"I don't really like sea food," I looked into his eyes that twinkled with amusement, his arms had managed to find their way around me.

"What do you like then?"

I had to think for a moment. "I'd like to think... I like spaghetti,"

He laughed lightly. "Then I'll have the cook prepare you some spaghetti,"

"Hey Kyoy—"

Both Kyoya and I swiftly stepped away from each other, his arms falling limply at his sides while mine instinctively crossed over my chest.

"Fuyumi," Kyoya greeted his sister who stood at the doorway with wide eyes.

"I—I'm sorry if I interrupted... something..." she stuttered, pink flushing over her cheeks.

"You didn't, we were about to go eat," I mumbled.

She did interrupt... and I do feel slightly annoyed but she couldn't help it. She just wanted to greet her brother. Finally, she looked at me, really looked.

She gasped and put a hand over her mouth. "Aiko, I didn't recognize you. I'm so sorry,"

I waved a hand dismissively. "It's fine,"

"How are you doing? With your father and—"

"You mean his extended vacation? It's a bit difficult running his business alone, but I will manage until he and mother return,"

I don't usually interrupt but my calm ocean had begun to stir and I knew it was only a matter of seconds before it roared.

"Extended... vacation...?" She tilted her head.

"Fuyumi, can we talk?" Kyoya began to walk toward her, she nodded silently, her eyes still on me. "Aiko, I'll be back with your food, why don't you read over the project outline?"

I sat down. "Okay,"

They left and I couldn't help the frown that etched its way on my usually stoic face. Is Kyoya hiding something from me? All of a sudden it felt like a hurricane in my mind and I squeezed my eyes shut, willing it to go away.

Not now. Not here. I'm with Kyoya. He'll he back in a minute.

I gripped at my head.

Not now. Not here. Please not now. Not here.

"Aiko? Aiko! Are you alright?" I heard Kyoya's footsteps speed toward me.

I looked up at him. "I'm controlling it,"

He put his hands over mine, pulling them away from my head. "What do you hear?" His voice was uncharacteristically soft.

"A storm... the rain is hitting the ocean furiously, the wind isn't any better, it's throwing the ocean around, slamming it onto the shore. I can almost hear the ocean screaming for help...."

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