Chapter 15

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The uncaring game. My thoughts on that have not been good ones. I almost don't even want to go to school today.

What are you planning?

"Master Aiko,"

"Yes... I'm on my way," I mumbled, placing my journal in my drawer and locking it.

Once I sat in the limo, I began thinking again. Is Kyoya going to be mean today? Is that what the game is? If Kyoya is mean... I might fall into my ocean and never come back out.

"Master Aiko,"

I looked at my driver who held the door open for me. I stepped out and gave him a small nod of thanks before making my way to my tree, but pausing as I saw a crowd of girls. I'm not in a hosting mood right now. I walked to a different part of the garden that I don't usually go to. The flower garden.

There are different types of flowers all over and benches to sit and admire their beauty. Which is was I did, I sat and admired the patch of forget-me-nots in front of me.


I looked up, spotting Haruhi. "Haruhi, What are you doing here?"

"Have you been here all day?" She questioned, glancing at the time.

"All day? It's morning... still... isn't it?"

She shook her head no. "Host Club startsin about ten minutes,"

I stood, then sat back down, my legs are numb, I stretched them out and after a few seconds they became tingly.

"Is everything okay?" Haruhi asked.

"My legs tingle,"

She furrowed her eyebrows, then a knowing look passed her face and she laughed. "Your legs fell asleep,"

"Come on, we should go," I forced myself to stand, ignoring the tingly pain in every step I took.

I've decided right now that whatever the uncaring game is I'm going to play the ignoring game right back. So whatever he does, I just won't pay attention to.


"Yes?" She looked at me.

"Would you mind if I sat with you and your customers today?"

"No, I don't mind,"

We reached the Host club room and went inside. I didn't look at Kyoya, and I tried my best not to hear him speak. Right now I sat besides Haruhi, who seemed to notice that I'm ignoring Kyoya and whenever he comes over here, answers his questions. It's hard not to pay attention when he speaks so I do hear bits.

"Do make sure he's not leaving all the hosting to you,"

Like that. Once he walked away, I noticed the awkward silence.

"Are you and Kyoya fighting?" One brave customer finally asked.

I rested my elbow on the table and chin in my palm. I looked at her, contemplating my answer, deciding not to answer.

"Have you seen the Scorpion grasses in the flower garden? Or better known as forget-me-not flowers," they all nodded their heads, noticing the topic change. "They symbolize fidelity and remembrance," I lifted my head from my hand, taking a sip of my tea.

"What does that mean?" The girl closest to me questioned.

I reached toward her and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She blushed brightly. "It means being truthful to someone you love and is a reminder that that person deserves respect,"

The girls at the table got a light blush on their cheeks and I'm wondering if maybe they took the symbolism of the flower to heart. That wasn't what i meant, but if it made them happy then I'm glad.

"Alright princesses, todays session is over," Tamaki announced, causing the girls to pout. "We cannot Wait to see you beautiful faces again, next time,"

They all left and I helped Haruhi clean up our table. I accidentally dropped a tea cup and bent down to pick up the broken pieces, but I wasn't careful and cut my finger. I heard Kyoya say something about cost and 'not a full set anymore' but I didn't really listen, just sort of watched the blood drip down my finger.

Suddenly an image of an arm hanging limp with blood dripping down and falling from its finger tips, came to mind.

"Aiko, you shouldn't let it bleed like that," Tamaki brought me back to reality as he pressed a napkin you my cut. "Let's get you to the first aid kit,"

He pulled me up and took me toward the first aid, wrapping a bandage on my finger as Haruhi picked up the rest of my mess.

"Thank you..." I mumbled.

"You should be more careful," he smiled warmly.

"Hosts~~ your beloved manager is here! And I brought cookies!" Renge entered the room.

Tamaki's eyes sparkled as he ran over to her. "Pastries made by a maiden are always the best,"

"They're not for you, phony prince," she glared, causing Tamaki to collapse. "They're for my Kyoya," she squealed.

Her Kyoya.

The hosts began tasting her cookies, I opted out. Luckily for me my phone rang.

"Toshigawa-san, im sorry to call so suddenly,"

"No, it's fine," I stood by a window, looking out

"It's about the contract my husband signed, I'd like to discuss another deal, that I believe will be able to help us both,"

I opened my mouth to reply but was interrupted.


"Excuse me one moment," I said softly, pressing the phone to my chest as I made my way out of the room.

"Where are you going??" Renge called after me.

I looked at her blankly. "I'm on a business call and you're being obnoxiously loud,"

Her eyes widened.

"Please collect your things and leave," Kyoya spoke calmly. "I won't have you being rude to Renge,"

I walked over to my bag, slinging it over my shoulder and on my way out, places the phone to my ear. "I'm sorry about that, what were saying about a deal?"

Third Person POV

Kyoya stared past the doorway. He felt like he went to far, but he was upset that Aiko was ignoring him. He felt like him treating Aiko the way he treats everyone else isn't even affecting him. He feels like Aiko doesn't feel for him the same way he feels for him.

Kyoya was brought back when Renge hugged his arm. "All of you are lukewarm, except for Kyoya," she looked up at him with a loving smile. "He's perfect,"

He smiled appreciatively. Her smile... reminds me of Aiko's.... He stared for a moment, a memory of the now stoic boy, smiling, crossed his mind.

Uhmmmmmmm this is an update hello. I feel like I update too much, but I guess that's better than too little.

Sorry for typos! Ciao!

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