Chapter 17

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I don't know how i feel. I know I'm sad. But i don't think you know. And I don't want you to know. 

Will not telling you, make you upset?

Please understand. I don't feel like I can tell you, my ocean... won't let me.

"Master Aiko, you have a guest,"

"I know, I'm expecting her," i stood and walked out the room. "I've been meaning to tell you that we're in charge of planning uncle's funeral,"

He stopped walking and I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked away. I met with Uncle's manager in the sitting room, the maid providing her tea.

"Leave us,"

She bowed and scurried out, I took my spot across from the young lady. She took a sip of the hot tea and set it down gingerly.

"I brought his will,"

I held my hand out silently for it, she pulled a folder from her bag and handed it over to me. I looked at the papers, my eyes running over the words.

Im Sorry i left you this way. But i couldn't stand being there anymore. I failed your mother, the one thing I should have done was protect you and I didn't. I couldn't. Because every time I saw you, i saw a broken boy.

A broken boy who doesn't even know why he's broken.

And what's worse is you look like her.

Exactly like her.

And I miss her so much.

I just can't do this anymore Aiko, I can't keep failing her.. I can't keep failing you. How many more times would we repeat this? How many more times will you fall victim to your ocean?

Please forgive me for being weak.

With love and sorrow,
Your uncle.

"This isn't a will," I spoke.

"Oh, yes, he left a note for you, next to his body,"

I let my eyes leave the page and trail up to the slightly awkward lady. Her face was calm, but her eyes were sad, she kept wringing her hands and sipping at the tea, forgetting it's hot and burning herself all over again.

"You know... I seem to remember his manager being male,"

She tensed, her eyes widening. I shut the folder.

"Did my uncle have a lover?" I questioned her.

She folded her hands tightly in her lap, avoiding looking at me. "Ex-'lover',"

"Hm," i opened the folder again, moving past the letter and to the will which stated I'd be inheriting all of his life's work, all of his paintings. "Were you the one who found him?"

"Yes..." she spoke quietly, voice cracking. "I was," 

I sighed and shut the folder once again. "I'm sorry for your loss," I stood from my seat. "If you need anything at all, my home is open to you,"

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