Chapter 23

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That last call was difficult. They did not agree to my terms and are adamant about split apart from my business. They don't want to associate with a spawn of Satan, they said. It was an hour long call of them shouting and calling me disgusting, citing the Bible...

What's so wrong with loving Kyoya? What so wrong with loving a boy?

I rubbed my temples with a sigh, shutting my journal. I looked out the window, seeing the sun had set. The hosts should be coming back for dinner right about now.

And as if on que, I heard the front door open and the scamper of footsteps. I left the study, heading down to greet them— who am I kidding, I went to greet Kyoya, not all of them. But when I got down there, I noticed the sullen mood. Once Kyoya saw me, he sent me a small smile, making his way in my direction.

"Come with me," he grabbed my hand.

I was confused but didn't question him and he guided me up to his room. My stuff was also in that room. I tilted my head questioningly once he looked at me.

"I figured it'd be more comfortable this way,"

"Did you?" The smallest bit of my amusement dropped into my voice, causing a smile from him.

A precious smile.

"I wanted to spend time with you," he grabbed hold of my hips, carefully pulling me towards him.

I stared into his eyes. What is he planning..?

"You smell like the ocean," I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Go wash up for dinner,"

He smiled lightly. "Will you be out here when I'm done?"

"Of course,"

He leaned down, pressing a gently kiss to my lips. I let myself melt into the kiss, closing my eyes for a split second. Before we pulled away and he left to the bathroom. I remembered that I left all my stuff in the office I had been working in and decided to go grab that really quickly.

But I was stopped by Tamaki.

"Aiko!" He smiled. "Will you be joining us for dinner?"

" I don't believe I will," I responded as softly as possible, though it was still not as soft as I wish it would be.

"Why not??" He pouted.

"I don't like sea food much," I put my hand on his arm. "So I'm just going to clean up my study while you guys eat,"

"But you need to eat something..."

"I'm sure Kyoya will force me to eat something once he finds out," I waved off his concern. "You go eat dinner,"

He nodded and slowly walked away, glancing back at me. Once he was out of sight, I went to the study and started to clean up my mess.

I suddenly felt hands come over my eyes, blocking my sight.

"You weren't there when I got out," a voice spoke, close to my ear.

I moved the hands off my face and looked back to see Kyoya. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close so that my back was pressed against his chest.

"I had to clean... I'm sorry,"

"You don't need to apologize," he kissed my cheek lightly.

"You should go eat, the others are waiting,"

"Let them wait," he pressed his lips to mine.

I kissed back for a moment but pulled back before he escalated things. "You're being incredibly affectionate today," I turned around in his arms so I was facing him completely. "What happened?"

He was quiet for a moment but then sighed. "Haruhi almost died today,"

"What?" My voice sounded almost as surprised as I felt.

"There were some men harassing the costumers, and Haruhi saw the confrontation and tried to stop them but only ended up getting pushed off the cliff and into the water. But for reasons I can't explain, when I saw her dropping toward the ocean, I saw you. And when Tamaki jumped in to get her, I almost jumped in to get you,"

I gently played with the hair on the back of his head while he spoke. "But it wasn't me, I was here,"

"I know. I just want to love you before something happens,"

"I already know that you love me,"

"But I just want to make sure, because I love you, Aiko,"

I couldn't help the ghost of a smile that made its way to my face, or the slight crinkle of the outside corners of my eyes.

"I love you too, Kyoya," I let go of him. "Go eat dinner,"

He took a few steps back. "Are you coming too?"

"Yes, once I finish cleaning up,"

That was a lie. I was not going to dinner. Not with that tension I sensed earlier and not with the sent of the ocean hanging off of all of them, giving me a migraine— no, I was not going to dinner.

He nodded and with a small smile, walked away. I sighed softly and began to gather papers, sorting through them and organizing them. I stayed there for an hour. Sifting, organizing and thinking before I grabbed everything in a neat pile and headed up to Kyoya's room which we are apparently sharing. Just as I got there, Kyoya walked out and I caught a glimpse of Tamaki and Haruhi inside.

I looked at him curiously.

"We'll be staying in your room for the night,"

I blinked. "Why are they in—" I got cut off as he picked me up and started walking down the hall to my room, which we are apparently sharing.

My face heated up and I used his shoulder to hide the blush I knew was there. Once we got into the room, he sat on the bed, me still in his lap.

"You.. don't smell like the ocean anymore..." I broke the silence.

"I showered after dinner," he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm glad, I didn't like that smell,"

"I know, my love," he said softly.

"Are we going to sleep now?" I asked.

"Hm, it is pretty late, and i Can only imagine the last time you slept a full night,"

I adverted my eyes sheepishly. He sighed softly and laid me down on the bed, placing himself a good distance away from me. There was enough space between us to fit a sumo wrestler.

I frowned slightly, scooting closer and snuggling into his side. He made a surprised noise, but when I looked at him, he was smiling. I gave him my small smile with an eye crinkle and he placed his lips on mine. It was a soft kiss, sweet and innocent but lasting for a long while.

"I love you," I whispered, parting our lips.

He caresses my cheek gently. "I love you," he mumbled, his lips brushing mine as he spoke.

"We should sleep now..."

"We should..." his eyes watched my lips.

We kissed again, and I don't recall what time we actually went to sleep, but it was not anytime soon.

Wowzers update is a little late on Sunday night instead of the usual Saturday-Friday, but I got it up lol sorry for the wait.

Ummm yep schools a lil hoe and I'm kinda sleep deprived and like that's fun. Wish I could sleep... haha

Sorry for typos! Ciao!

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