Chapter 4

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I'm tempted to call once I get out of my dreamlike stare. But soon realize it's four in the morning. How is it that you've stayed in my mind that long?

You're like an infestation in my mind. A new addition to my ocean. But I haven't yet determined what role you're playing in my head.

You make the ocean dim with your voice. Maybe you could make it disappear with a touch.

"Master Aiko, you're going to be late for your meeting,"

I didn't bother to glance up at my assistant. "I'll be out in a minute," I finished jotting my last thoughts into my journal.

She sighed and bowed and left. I found myself staring at the empty doorway for longer than I intended. After a few minutes, I tore myself away and stood, straightening out my suit. If this meeting goes well, I go home.

I had my assistant proof read the contract I typed up earlier this morning. She says everything looks good, she recommends that next time I do get some rest instead.

Little does she know that I don't usually sleep. I don't normally feel tired so what would be the point of sleeping when I feel perfectly fine and there's stuff to do. I follow my assistant to the meeting room, fixing the cuffs of my sleeves. When I entered, everyone went into a hush. I sat in my seat and made sure to great everyone by looking at them.

"Is everyone here?" I questioned.

Everyone looked around for a moment before it was decided that everyone was in fact, present. I slid the folder over to the man across from me, the one who I'm try to fix the problem with.

He grabs it. "What's this?"

"A contract of my terms and conditions. Please take your time to read through it," he skimmed through the twenty pages, rather quickly. "It looks good,"

Me and my assistant made eye contact and i nodded toward the man. "Then this meeting can be over quickly if you just sign it,"

He asked for a pen from the man next to him. The man fumbled a bit but handed him the pen. Once the contract was signed, my assistant picked it up.

"Could you go make a copy for him to keep?" I asked her.

She nodded and walked off. I stood and held a hand to shake with the man across from me. He stood as well, shaking my hand.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you," I spoke.

He smiled. "Yes it was, I'm glad we're doing this kid. With you in charge, everyone's happy," he let out a laugh.

I released his hand. "Yes, It seems that way. When father comes back from his trip though, don't expect him to be as kind,"

The room went silent and I looked around curiously. The man in front of me had a confused look on his face, almost worried.


"I've got the copies," everyone's attention turned to my assistant, who looked like a deer trapped in headlights.

I made my way toward her. "Thank you all for being here on such short notice," I handed the copy to the man and was about leave, I paused. "Oh and uhm, bye," then I was quick to follow my assistant away from that meeting room.

"When do you think he'll notice?" She whispered to me.


"That he just signed his company away to you with out a second thought?"

"I don't think he read that part. But I'm sure we'll be receiving a call from him soon,"

She started typing away on her phone as we went up to my hotel room. I grabbed my bag and she left for a minute to grab hers, but was back quickly.

"I already checked us out, there are no flights back home at this hour, but the jet is waiting," she stood in the doorway.

I nodded and pulled my bag over my shoulder and we headed out. Once inside the car I glanced at the time, class hast started yet. I did tell him I'd call in the morning. I dialed Kyoya's number, ignoring the confused look that my assistant gave me.



"Late breakfast?"

"No... the meeting ended early. I ended up not eating breakfast today. I was busy finalizing things for a contract,"

"Did you sleep last night?"

"I tend to not need to sleep,"

"Do you think that maybe the lack of sleep and nutrients, is what's making you so forgetful?"

"Well, I never thought of it like that. But no, I don't think so,"

He sighed. "You need to start taking better care of yourself Aiko,"

Is it strange to like how someone says your name? If anyone else says it, it's completely normal, but that one person says it and sends the ocean in my mind away.


"Hm? Yes?"

"You disappeared for a few minutes,"

"Sorry I was lost in thought,"

"Hm. Class is going to start soon. Do you mind if I call during lunch?"

"I don't mind. I should be there for hosting activities, after school,"

"I think you should get some rest instead, the clubs profit won't suffer any more if you're gone one more afternoon,"

"Understood, I'll try to get some rest," I was about to hang up.


I pressed the phone to my ear again. "Yes?"

"Bye," I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Right, Bye,"

Could he hear the racing of my heart in mine?

I hung up.

"Friend from school?" My assistant asked.

I nodded and looked out the window. "Do you think it's possible for me to love?"

"What do you mean?"

I sighed. "I have so much trouble feeling. Will I be able to feel an emotion as strong as love? Or is it impossible?"

"Is this the type of things you think of when you're not paying attention?" She questioned.

"Yes, among many other things,"

I began to unconsciously slip into my ocean and before I knew it, I was walking into my estate and up to my room. I sat at my desk and stared at the wall. All that time seems to pass me in a second. I wonder why this happens, what's doing this to me?

Chapter 4 all done

I know what I expect of this book but I'm still planning te ending. I normally like to write with an ending in plan and I do have a gist of an ending buttttt it's not exact and it is affecting my will to write, good thing you won't even know because all these chapters are going up at the same time.

I wanna hear your thoughts on this story so far. So I can make it better.

Sorry for typos! Ciao!

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