The ninja's fears

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Author's Note: I head cannon Jay has anxiety but I will not be including that in this head cannon

Jay: Djinns/Genies (Jay has some serous PTSD from Skybound )Basements (This is cannon. He said it in Possession )slight Arachnophobia, spiders (This is because of the amount of times he has had to face spiders specifically the Tiger Widow. Also his reaction when they brought up spiders in Decoded (Decoded isn't cannon but I think the reaction to spiders is cannon) The Chicken ( That Chicken is scary )(Jay is actually afraid of a lot of things but this is what we know for sure. He literally said he had a list )

Lloyd: Strong winds, (Because Morro was the master of wind ) Watching all his friends die and being helpless to do anything about it, ( Because of Harumi forcing him to watch his friends "die" ( They didn't actually die ) and not being able to stop it ) Being betrayed, ( Harumi, Pythor, even his own dad betrayed him! ) Being laughed at, (Because of all the bullying at Darkly's )That his friends and family only love him because he's the green ninja ( This is because of all the bullying at Darkly's and also the fact that people only really started to love him around the time he became the green ninja ) Not being good enough (Once again this is because of Darkly's. Everyone there bullied him saying that he would never be good enough so thanks to them he worries about that. Also because he has a ton of responsibility at such a young age ) Claustrophobia, tight spaces, (It just makes sense after the amount of times he been trapped in a cage )Arachnophobia, spiders ( This one is ALSO because of Darkly's but has LITERALLY nothing showing it in the cannon, and I just thought it would be funny to do. ( Because Harumi loves spiders ) To explain how he got Arachnophobia ( Because you're not gonna find out how if you look at the actual show ) he always had a slight fear of spiders ( Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias ) but it became serious when the people at Darkly's found out. They began to terrorize him with spiders for an entire YEAR. ( Yup, their worse than you thought ) By the end of it you could DEFINETELY call it a phobia ( I wouldn't be shocked if we found out that the kids at Darkly's actually did something like this. Their learning to be villains, ya'll, VILLIANS! )  Becoming his father, going full Oni (This ones actually cannon. When he looked into the mirror that showed his worse fear it showed him becoming his father. I just added the Oni part because of his reactions in Crystalized )The Chicken ( That Chicken is scary )

Zane: Dying, ( He has actually died so it just makes sense ) Losing his memory, ( I'm pretty sure you would be too if you lost your memory 3 times ) Turning evil, ( The ice emperor. That's all that needs to be said ) Dragons ( He got killed by one ) Being nothing more than a machine (This ones cannon. When he looked into the mirror that showed his worse fear it showed him as nothing more than ones and zeros which is ironic since he literally got rid of what made him human in Crystalized. I was so happy when he went back to normal )The Chicken ( That Chicken is scary )

Nya: Djinns/Genies ( Same reason as Jay ) Being imperfect/Failing ( This was shown in Possession when in order for her to unlock her true potential she had to overcome that fear )Being abandoned (This is because of her parents disappearance )Being helpless ( This is kinda cannon. When she looked in the mirror which shows her worst fear she saw herself powerless but later on she becomes powerless and says that she's no longer afraid of being powerless leading me to head cannon that she's afraid of being helpless)The Chicken ( That Chicken is scary )

Kai: Aquaphobia, Water ( This is cannon. Not only did he say it but he started full blown hyperventilating when he was trapped in a room filling with water ) Being alone ( this is because of his parents disappearance ) Being abandoned ( same reason as Nya )Ginger Breadmen and elves ( I just remembered that he was afraid of Ginger breadmen and elves in that one episode where he got sprayed with the Venamari venom. I'm not sure why )The Chicken ( That Chicken is scary )

Cole: Slight Aquaphobia, Water ( He still is slightly scared of it and who can blame him for a good minute there water was like acid to him )Heights ( He's almost fallen to his death like 6 times already. Yeah it's safe to assume he's afraid of heights ) Singing in public (This is cannon. He said it in Sons of Garmadon. I just head cannon it's only in public and not full blown because we saw him singing karaoke with the ninja making me think that it's only in public )The Chicken ( That Chicken is scary )

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