Some Headcannons About The Chicken

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Author's Note: There are multiple headcannons in this chapter, and they are going to be numbered

1: Wu adopted The Chicken without the ninja knowing. When they did finally find out it was too late. Wu had grown attached. Now The Chicken is Wu's pet.

2: Wu named The Chicken Samantha ( I thought of the name from that part in the song When I Am Older when Olaf asks "Samantha?" ) Ps: Samantha is a girl

3: When the ninja aren't listening to Wu he threatens them with Samantha, and they immediately start working.

4: The ninja have multiple nicknames for Samantha. These are the nicknames:

The Monster ( By Jay )

Ms. Power Stealer ( By Jay )

Thunderbird ( By Jay )

Lil Chick ( By Lloyd )

Sweetie ( By Lloyd )

Gallus Gallus Domesticus ( By Zane ) ( This is the scientific name for chicken )

Falcon's Sister ( By Zane )

Electra ( By Nya )

Hulk ( By Kai )

Lilly ( By Cole )

Chicken Nugget ( By Cole )

My Best Student ( By Wu )

5: If Samantha sees anyone eating chicken she will destroy them. Even Wu.

6: Samantha enjoys bacon, cheeseburgers, and steak. Cole and Samantha often eat cheeseburgers together.

7: Samantha knows how to play videogames and sports. She somehow manages to beat the ninja every time.

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