Jay Still Has Nightmares About Skybound ( Jaya )

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Author's Note: This head cannon has quite a bit of Jaya

So Jay and Nya are obviously traumatized from Skybound. I mean it would make no sense if they weren't and ( Don't judge me for thinking this ) Jay is probably more traumatized than Nya because well Nadakhan had no mercy when he tortured him. His literal goal was to hurt Jay so badly that he would wish it away. Yeah being forced to get married is nothing compared to that.

So I head cannon that both Jay and Nya have HORRIBLE nightmare about Skybound but Jay's are worse and more frequent. When they have these nightmares they sleep together ( Just sleep nothing else. Quiet your dirty mind ) and comfort each other telling each other that it's over and it will never happen again.

When this happens Kai kinda has a minor freak out. But Wu has cameras in every room so Jay and Nya just show him the footage so that he knows they weren't doing anything serous.

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