Some Head Cannons On Elemental Masters

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Author's Note: There are multiple headcannons in this chapter, and there going to be numbered.

1: They have a high resistance to their element. They're not immune to it, but they're more resistant than others, and I mean resistant. A master of ice could be in -100 degree weather not wearing the proper winter gear, and be just fine.

2: They have very low resistance to the opposite of their element. This means a master of fire would freeze easier than a normal human. This doesn't count for those who don't have an opposite , mind, poison, gravity, ect, ect.

3: Masters of destructive elements like fire or lightning become stronger when their feeling strong emotions. For example: when a master of lightning gets scared the lights might start flickering. This also counts for masters of energy, because they can control all of the elements, and masters of wind and water, because their powers are harder to control.

4: Wind and water are harder to control. This is because they are stronger than the other elements, as shown in Seabound ( Yes, I know only water was shown to be stronger, but it only makes sense that wind is too )

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