Cole loves Vania he just doesn't know it yet (EXTREME Conia)

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Author's Note: This head cannon is packed to the brim with Conia. Conia lovers enjoy. Conia haters don't read this.

I head cannon that Cole loves Vania he just doesn't know because have you seen the way he looked at her in Master Of The Mountain? That was love. not like. LOVE.

Vania likes him back and she knows it. She's just to scared to admit it.

One time Nya ( Who I head cannon ships them so that Kai will get off her back about the love triangle ) tried to set them up on a date. She ordered them food at a fancy restaurant and everything. In the end they left because it felt too awkward and ate at a bakery instead. That's when the real date began. They started talking and Vania got SUPER close to telling Cole that she loves him but then their food came and Cole was too busy stuffing his mouth with cake to listen.

One time Cole had a dream about him and Vania dating. He forgot it as soon as he woke up.

Vania has tried many times to help Cole get over his fear of heights.

In the end they are perfect for each other and just don't realize it yet. ( Like a certain ship that started with one person crushing on the other. And now there so good that there ship name's cannon. It rhymes with Colya. That's right Jaya!!! )

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