What Jobs They Would Have If They Weren't Ninja

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Jay: Engineer ( He was shown to be very inventive in the show, and I headcannon he's super smart )

Lloyd: Babysitter ( He's a leader and would naturally be good with kids. Since he's immature but also mature. Also he wouldn't be old enough for any other job )

Zane: Teacher ( No, this has nothing to do with the fact he was actually a teacher. I just think he would be a good teacher )

Nya: Engineer ( This has absolutely nothing to do with Jaya, and it's just a coincidence that both Jay and Nya have the same job. Nya was already shown to be a good engineer easily inventing stuff like the Samurai X mech, so it just makes sense she'd make this her job )

Kai: Black Smith ( He was a black smith in cannon )

Cole: Athlete ( He seems very athletic and has been shown to be quite good at rock climbing which could be considered a sport )

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