A Sad Lloyd Darkly Head Cannon

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Author's Note: This head cannon is REALLY sad. Read at your own risk.

The head cannon goes like this we all know that Darkly's was full of bullies and that Lloyd didn't have many friends there ( If he had any ).

So this is the head cannon. Misako left Lloyd at Darkly's with only the necessities clothes, tooth paste, tooth brush, hair brush, etc. But she also left him a teddy bear which he named Greenie. And he loved Greenie. Greenie was his only friend at Darkly's.

Then one day some bullies caught him playing with Greenie and took Greenie from him. They destroyed Greenie right in front of him. They ripped Greenie to shreds. The entire time Lloyd had told them that Greenie was his only friend but that didn't stop them. They told him that he needed to grow up and stop playing with toys. And when they were done they told him that he had no friends leaving Lloyd in tears.

That was the head cannon. Sorry that that was so sad. I just feel that something like that probably happened.

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